Friday, September 20

She gets a job thanks to a drawing her 9-year-old daughter made

Mailén is 9 years old and, with her original idea, she changed her family’s life. The girl told how and why she came up with drawing a drawing to get her father a job. And, also, his joy at having achieved it.

In the middle of the restrictions by the Covid – 19 in Argentina, their parents had lost their jobs. For this reason, Mailén Díaz decided to help them from their place and made a drawing in which he promoted his dad’s skills. What they didn’t expect was that, in addition to working, it would end up being viral.

“I love drawing. It’s not something they tell me to do, I do it for fun ”, Mailén admitted in an interview with TN . Regarding his second design, he maintained that he put “more colors” on it, because the previous one “was very tiring.” “I put pictures of grass and flowers,” he added. In turn, he announced that he is already thinking of making a third drawing.

“When we were out of work I suggested that I needed buy the machine (to cut the grass) and she listened that we were talking with the mother. First, he made another little drawing and with that came a bit of work ”, Gustavo Díaz, his father, began by recounting. And he went on to explain that “by posting it so many times” on social networks they stopped calling him. “He was going to cut but the grass was not growing and there were also a lot of young people on the street doing the same thing,” he said.

In this context, his father, with the incentive that “they had to raise money to travel to Tucumán ”, encouraged her to make another drawing. Mailén designed by herself a colorful brochure offering a job as a gardener. In the drawing, she put the phrase “luck daddy” next to the cell phone number.

“I told him ‘put the soul in it’ and he put the soul too much. We didn’t think it was going to have such an impact. We publish it here in the area. It became so viral that it is unbelievable, ”said Gustavo. He also confessed that he received many calls from various provinces and even from a person who lives in Australia who contacted him to give him some words of encouragement.