Saturday, September 21

Man loses legs and part of his face due to bacteria transmitted by his dog when licking him

El doctor británico Jaco Nel ahora se dedica a dar conferencias motivacionales.
British doctor Jaco Nel is now dedicated to giving motivational lectures.

Photo: JOEL SAGET / AFP / Getty Images

The phrase that the dog is man’s best friend is almost always true, however, sometimes fate plays a trick. As an example is the British doctor Jaco Nel, who lost his legs, fingers and part of his face due to the lick of his dog Harvey, that infected him with a strange disease.

Suddenly, Dr. Nel’s life changed after playing with his fuel companion Harvey , your pet, a coker spaniel, when gave him a small scratch from which a little blood came out; The dog licked the wound and the doctor disinfected it .

Although being a doctor he treated the wound following the protocol, he never imagined what was about to happen only two weeks later, his dog’s saliva caused septicemia, which is the main cause death from infection in the world .

Before presenting symptoms, as commented to the BBC , the canine died. Later, he had some characteristic cold pictures and did not give it much importance.

However, one day he woke up dizzy and dazed, so he had to be rushed to hospital. The disease caused his kidneys to fail and he also had to undergo dialysis . To stop the advance of the infection, had to suffer the amputation of both legs, fingers and the tip of the nose.

“I knew from almost the beginning that I would end up losing my legs and fingers, but I wasn’t sure what to do with it. it would happen to my face. I lost the tip of my nose and my lips have scars, I find it difficult to speak and I also have difficulties eating ”, he said.

Although his life changed completely, now from 56 years, wants other doctors with disabilities to know that there is hope of continuing their duties , as stated in an interview with The Oldham Times .

This case is not the only one in similar circumstances, in 2018, Greg Manteufel, a man in the United States, lost legs and hands due to contracting an unusual blood infection after a dog licked him.

At that time, the infection caused blood pressure to drop and circulation to the extremities rapidly diminished.

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