Friday, September 20

“After 6 hours”: Nerea Godínez reveals how she found out about the death of actor Octavio Ocaña

The death of the actor Octavio Ocaña , famous for playing “Benito Rivers” in the series’ Necinos ‘He continues to talk about, and it is that, after the authorities determined that it was himself who operated the weapon that took his life , the disagreement of his family has not been made wait because they assure that there are many inconsistencies in the case, starting because they were never notified about what had happened.

This was confirmed by Nerea Godínez , the actor’s fiancee, who revealed during an interview with the program ‘Sale el Sol’ that she lived moments of anguish since found out about the accident of Octavio Ocaña by chance when he passed through the Chamapa-Lechería highway, where the persecution ended .

“I was the one who found out about everything. Fate led me to pass where the truck had crashed , because there was no accident. I passed by and recognized our truck when I saw it and from there I dedicated myself to looking for it until I found it ”, he explained.

And he remembered how he started with the search for Octavio, without knowing that he had already passed away.

“I came to do some shopping because we had something to do at night, so I was coming from La Cúspide and I went through the track and it was that I saw the truck And from there I dialed my lawyer and he told me, look for him in the Public Ministry of Cuautitlán and that’s how they brought me bouncing around for hours , until I found out they were in Barrientos ”, he adds.

He also recalled that he managed to find it after several hours of searching for it in different state government agencies.

“(He found it) In Barrientos, after 6 hours of looking for him , (nobody told us) anything. I didn’t know anything about him, no one really knew anything “, he adds.

Given the versions that circulated shortly after the persecution, it was said that the actor had consumed alcohol for two days before in the company of some friends, a version that was denied by Ocaña’s girlfriend, who assured that they were together doing other activities.

“Not at all, a day before we were decorating my mother’s house because we love Halloween and the day before we were putting and removing things. We got into like 10 the night. All those things are lies “, he said.

Relates that on Friday morning 29 of October both left their house together, but each one went to their respective activities.

Among the testimonies, Mr. Octavio Pérez highlights that the gunpowder tests that the authorities did to his son came out negative , so there is no how to verify that it was he who shot himself .

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