Friday, September 20

The Durango duet Horóscopos announces their final separation

The Mexican regional music duet, Horóscopos de Durango , announced this Monday, November 8, its final separation .

Through a statement, the sisters Vicky and Marisol Terraza s thanked the love and support of their audience, businessmen, promoters, record labels, friends and family for almost two decades. However, they pointed out that before definitively concluding their cycle at the head of the group, they will comply with all the commitments that had been previously agreed upon and took the opportunity to clarify the reasons that led them to take separate paths

With hearts full of gratitude and love, we give you infinite thanks for all the love, time, talent and faith that you have given us through so many years . Our chapter together, in this great story of Durango Horoscopes, comes to an end “.

They stressed that it was a very complicated decision to make and, above all, to communicate after so many memories accumulated on stage, a dream that began with the effort of his father, Armando Terrazas, who always wanted to be part of a musical group, recognized and loved by the public, which became a reality with them.

To all who were part of this team, THANK YOU! Each one of them gave part of their lives with their time, passion, sacrifices, sweat and talent. As in every book, our lives also have chapters and an ending. For now this chapter we will finish together, to enter another where we will continue to share with you our adventures . We will have them in our hearts forever !! ”, they added.

Finally they clarified that they are not fighting and that they will continue to support each other.

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