Thursday, September 19

El Niño Prodigy Horoscope November 7, 2021


03 / 21 – 04 / 19

Get ready because trips or profitable contacts abroad will arise. It is time for you to speak other languages ​​more fluently so that the language does not become an obstacle and you can expand your field of action. You will be invited to parties where there will be diversity, celebrate!


04 / 20 – 05 / 20

Today you will feel the instinct to renew yourself through erotic gratification, you will give yourself permission to expand your range of experiences and to increase pleasure. Get ready because you will live a roller coaster of new sensations and you will become an authority in terms of enjoyment.


05 / 21 – 06 / 20

A new relationship will show you interesting paths. It will be a moment of experimentation and of daring to live your bonds freely. If you are as a couple, enjoy these refreshing airs. If you are single, do not isolate yourself because love will come hand in hand with openness.


6 / 21 – 7 / 20

You will become aware of what It is important to eat well. If you have been out of control lately, you will begin to feel the ravages of the excesses committed in your body. Connect with nature and purify your body by following a healthy diet.


07 / 21 – 08 / 21

There are no limits to express what you feel. A rush of vitality flows through you and you channel very positive energy. Now you feel celebrated, admired, and encouraged by people who share your interests. Joy exerts a renewing power in your being.


08 / 22 – 09 / 22

You will receive warm expressions of affection from your family. It is also possible that you host people so finish ordering those papers that you have accumulated in your house and put everything in conditions to welcome your guests.


09 / 23 – 10 / 22

Communication will favor you and you will use words that will generate shock, commotion and open minds. So don’t shut up anything and say what you think without applying any kind of filter. The verbal exchange will make you feel naughty and sparkling.


10 / 23 – 11 / 21

Planetary transits will activate the themes of money and your interest it will be in your business flowing. Luck will work in your favor, you will receive patronage or help from abroad. I recommend that you associate with your relatives or invest in the real estate sector.


11 / 23 – 12 / 20

Planetary confluences will give you the opportunity to let go of certain inhibitions and to communicate freely. Your group of friends will play a key role in this new opening. You will be full of lucidity to defend the ideas that really matter to you.


11 / 21 – 01 / 19

Get in touch with your inner voice. Do not assume for now extra responsibilities or final decisions because you still need to see the complete map of the situations. The answer you are looking for will come alone and will fill you in body and soul.


02 / 20 – 01 / 18

Your spark of genius will earn you valuable and inspiring friendships. These new relationships will be willing to cooperate with you and will bring you projects that can open doors for you abroad. Your growth will not find limits, enlighten and expand.


02 / 18 – 03 / 20

Today the relationship with your parents or others People who occupy places of authority in your life will flow positively and you will feel that you have extra protection. You will take advantage of past experience and obtain an achievement that will fill you with satisfaction.

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