Friday, September 20

Jaky Magaña, from 'Nuestra Belleza Latina', speaks for the first time about depression and rejection

Jaky Magaña is the curvy girl from ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’ , the one who studied social communication, and perhaps the most prepared of all to be in front of the media. However, from an early age the young Mexican has known the dangers of depression and rejection, the same one that continues to live every Sunday, when Alejandra Espinoza tells her that she is a of the three least voted by the public .

However, it goes for opportunities, and in reality from Univision gets it from the hand of the judges, Giselle Blondet, Jomari Goyso, Daniella Álvarez and Adal Ramones, who the last two Sundays rescued her so that she could continue fighting for that reason promises: to continue learning to bring joy to the public.

We exclusively spoke with Jaky Magaña, who for the first time confesses that the lack of connection with the public is what you are playing against.

– How do you feel about fulfilling your dream of being in ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’?

Jaky Magaña: I feel very happy, it is a great opportunity nity step on a platform like ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’, I believe that I have had this dream since Alejandra was crowned as queen . From a very young age I used to say: “Someday I’m going to participate”, and this year I was given the great opportunity to enter the mansion.

– Han After a few weeks and various things, is it how you imagined it?

Jaky Magaña: Yes of course, it was always like seeing all those challenges, seeing everything the girls went through … It was as I expected and much better, they have given me a lot of knowledge , I’ve also learned new things, in terms of dancing, in terms of being a little more disciplined, being ready at the times they tell you, I think that’s the most exciting thing. I have worked with incredible people, I have worked on stage with artists who are very famous at the moment, and who also have a great career, that is everyone’s dream.

– You are perhaps one of the most prepared, but you are always the least voted by the public, what do you think you are missing or do you think the public still does not did he discover about you?

Jaky Magaña: I think I have always been very reserved with my private life, and maybe I have not shared enough for them to know me fully . Yes I have shared a bit of my story, where I come from and so on … That part of the connection I think I have lacked with the public , or the same them They want to challenge me to do better every day r, they want me to show them that I deserve to be here, they can be one of those two options. I have thought about it a lot, and I intend to do things better and also to listen , it is very important to listen to the comments of the professionals who help us here.

– On the other hand, it is not common for judges twice in a row decide to rescue you to stay, how do you feel?

Jaky Magaña: It is a very strong responsibility towards them and towards the public , because they are seeing something in me that I must demonstrate to the public as well , so it is like that contradiction that I have every day: I know that I can give it, I know that I can achieve it, but I lack a bit of connection with those people, who are the ones that supports , which is the one that is outside, which is the one that will place me as queen if they wish … I always carry that responsibility on my shoulders. Sometimes I look very serious or very quiet but it is because I like to analyze what they are telling me, pay attention to the small details in order to grow as a person, grow professionally , because entering the world of entertainment is very complicated.

Jaky Magaña de 'Nuestra Belleza Latina'
Jaky Magaña from ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’. Photo: Univision

– Sunday Past Mía Dio, before she left she said that if the judges had saved her, she was going to resign so that you could stay because you taught her the value of friendship, would you have accepted?

Jaky Magaña: To Mía I love her very much, she has become a great friend, she is a girl with a super beautiful soul, she is talented, and that was what we always talked about, that part about whether we were here because of the competition, but you can also make beautiful friendships, You can get a lot of good things out of this experience… I was very moved by what she said that she was going to resign to leave me her place, because I said: “I don’t want that If I have to leave, I accept it, God decided it that way, it is my turn, I don’t want you to give up your dreams as well ”. I wasn’t going to be happy letting her give up her dream to give me another chance.

– Who is Jaky?

Jaky Magaña: She is a girl of a people of Jalisco, very dreamy, that people always told them that they were not going to achieve it, and that they never paid attention to those comments, I work hard to achieve it . I always prepared myself, if there was a dance event, I would get involved even though I didn’t know how to dance, if there was an event where we would have to do a pastoral, Jaky would go to act. If you had to drive, Jaky was like the first one offered … Since kindergarten, he had very defined what he wanted to be in life. “I want to be an actress, and a television host” … My parents always told me, “you can do that, but you have to look for a second-option career.”

I came to the United States at 17 years to try to study acting here, and learn a little more English and then my maternal grandfather did not want me to come, he told me: “When you come back I won’t go to be ”… I never paid attention to him, at that age one thinks that he is going to have his loved ones for life, and when I came, said and done, He got very sick and I only managed to get to Mexico to say goodbye to him . I returned to the United States, but the depression beat me, and I returned to Mexico … It was when I realized that there was a Bachelor of Communication Sciences and I fell in love, it was something that My soul and heart were filled and it was my refuge.

As everyone knows, Jaky is curvy, I love my body, I have learned to accept myself , it has been a whole process because since I was little I was skinny, then I gained a lot of weight in adolescence, they bullied me , they made comments like , ‘circulito’, they sang songs to me. Once the principal of my school yelled at me in front of everyone, to get off that bench because I was going to break it. Now how big I remember it and it hurts, why can people be so cruel? And I am very glad that there is more diversity in the media.

Jaky Magaña de 'Nuestra Belleza Latina'
Jaky Magaña from ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’. Photo: Univision

– What Did you learn from depression and rejection?

Jaky Magaña: I know that sometimes depression is very strong, and we don’t want to get out of bed, nor do we want to do anything at all, we just want to be with we… Something that I do want to recommend you, look for those activities that make you happy, and when you think or are going to relapse into a moment of depression , think quickly about what makes you feel happy, and even if it weighs you, try to do it and it becomes a habit, it becomes somewhat addictive, and you start to see the light.

In how much I think it is very important that we do not let anyone tell us that we are worthless, that no one tell us negative things s, why? Because we are some people who came to this world with a mission, we should not care what others think because that speaks more about them than about us. others, they do not know us, they only know what they see, but they do not know what we think, what we feel.

– If you become in the winner, what do you want after the crown?

Jaky Magaña: Thank God first of all, because it is he who has opened the necessary doors for me, the one who has led me on the path that I must go, and my family. Regarding the professional, never give up, because even if ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’ wins it does not mean that I already won, I am the queen, I am going to work in the media … No , this is a world where you have to learn every day, and where you have to carry a message to the people who are out there … It is working on that to power proportional to all those people good energies.



• Raishmar Carrillo: From the hell of sexual abuse and the abandonment of ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’ to inspire

• ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’: The dance rehearsals of the gallants with the participants

• Although Mía Dio was eliminated from ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’, she was going to resign to save Jacky Magaña