Thursday, October 10

Vicente Fernández's health continues to improve, he already uses less respiratory aid

The health status of Vicente Fernández continues to show favorable changes , this was announced by the doctors who have been treating him for three months in an exclusive hospital in Guadalajara, Jalisco.

Through Vicente Fernández’s profile on Instagram The official medical statement updated to Thursday, November 4, was released, confirming that one week after leaving the intensive care area “El Charro de Huentitán” continues to show a gradual advance in the functions of his body , which has been reflected in a constant interaction, as well as his staying awake during the day and even There is already talk of an improvement in breathing, so ventilation is used for less time each time.

“The rehabilitation sessions are generated intermittently during the day. The respirator with only minimal support, spontaneously tolerates more time each time “, reads the weekly report.

They also confirm that so far it continues without presenting eventualities, which means pleasant news for the family and fans.

“This evolution in the last week was very satisfactory. We are pleased with the progress in health status to the improvement of Don Vicente who continues to show strong. ”

As in each statement, they expressed their gratitude to the public for the various expressions of affection and prayers for the health of the great Vicente Fernández.

The interpreter of “Hermoso Cariño” and “Por Tu Maldito Amor” entered the Country hospital 31 located in Guadalajara, Jalisco, on August 6 after suffering a spectacular fall inside the Los Tres Potrillos ranch. That same day, he underwent emergency surgery for severe injuries to the vertebrae at the nape of the neck. After two weeks of intensive care, it was learned that he arrived without mobility in his arms and legs, giving as diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome , from which he recovers slowly, but satisfactorily.

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