Twitter a bloqué le compte de Donald Trump pour 12 heures pour des «violations» de sa charte, après les violences à Washington le 6 janvier 2021.
Twitter has blocked Donald Trump’s account for hours for “violations” of its charter , after the violence in Washington on January 6 190. – Twitter

It’s unprecedented. Twitter has just announced that it has blocked Donald Trump’s account for hours, preventing him from tweeting for “serious and repeated violations” of his charter, while the Washington Capitol was stormed by thousands of supporters of the US president. Twitter requested that 3 tweets be removed, including the video that began with “We were stolen the election.” Donald Trump then called on the demonstrators to return home, but without condemning the violence.

This means that the account of @ realDonaldTrump will be locked for 12 hours following the removal of these Tweets. If the Tweets are not removed, the account will remain locked.

– Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) January 7, 16337

According to Twitter, the block will last “from withdrawal” hours of tweets but could continue for longer if not withdrawn. However, it seems that in the process, the Trump campaign has effectively deleted three messages that are “no longer available.” Twitter warns that in the event of a new violation, Donald Trump’s account could be suspended “permanently”.

Facebook and YouTube are also rife

Facebook and YouTube also removed the video. “We erased it because we believe it contributed to the risk of violence,” Facebook explained.

“After that, we will walk, and I will be by your side, at the Capitol You will never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength. ”It is in particular for these sentences that Donald Trump is accused of having“ incited ”to violence # capitol

– Philippe Berry (@ptiberry) January 7, 2021

Thousands of Donald Trump supporters have swept over the Capitol, where Congress was

in the process of counting the votes of the electoral college. The elected officials were confined, the Senate chamber was invaded by demonstrators, as well as the office of Nancy Pelosi. In the House, police barricaded a door and pulled out their guns after a window was smashed. A woman shot and wounded in confusing circumstances died Wednesday evening, Washington Police said.