Wednesday, October 9

Nine out of 10 consumers can have health plans for less than $ 10 a month

The federal health insurance market, and the state ones, are already open, with opportunities to obtain subsidized medical plans at costs unthinkable years ago.

Due to the new laws approved at the beginning This year’s many people who purchase health insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA, popularly known as Obamacare) marketplaces are now eligible for more savings and lower monthly premiums, as well as more help with cost sharing. In fact, nine out of each 10 people who enroll in a health plan through the federal platform can find a plan for $ 10 or less per month, with financial aid.

Therefore, do not hesitate to register. Since the rules for qualifying for help have changed, it is important to inquire again. For example: if family size changed or unemployment insurance was received, those may be reasons to qualify for subsidies.

It is a historic moment since now families with moderate to medium incomes can access help, which still have a hard time paying the monthly insurance premiums.

The market open enrollment period on the federal platform ( runs from November 1, 2021 through 15 of January of 2022. Consumers who sign up before midnight on 15 can get coverage for a full year, starting January 1.

  • People who need help with health insurance enrollment can call this number: 833 – 209 – 2417 (attention is in Spanish). Or sign up here to have an agent call them

Insurance cheaper than ever

This year, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is focusing on increasing access to health care, with strong outreach and education efforts to reach consumers with information about the opportunity to enroll or re-enroll in coverage. From the market.

The CMS are also committed to raising awareness of low-cost plans for 2022, as a result of the American Rescue Plan, the law enacted by the Biden administration to overcome the crisis generated by the pandemic, which left millions without jobs and without health insurance.

For this, an additional fund of $ 11. $ 5 million to support the grassroots work of 64 community organizations where navigators work, culturally competent staff who help consumers, including millions of Latinos, obtain health coverage.

This time period means 19 days longer than what the Trump administration offered, which had limited the enrollment window to 45 days.

Although millions have obtained health insurance since the ACA was enacted, many of them for the first time in their lives, to 2021 still the 11% of the country’s population from between 19 and 64 years does not have health coverage.

This percentage is higher among Latino communities and of color, especially young adults, less than 64 years.

To continue to exceed enrollment goals, CMS will relaunch the “Champions for Coverage” program, which currently includes more of 1,000 community organizations across the country that work with the community, educating about health insurance and assisting with enrollment. tion. The objective: to connect the community, especially in unprotected, urban and rural areas, with medical coverage, and close health disparities.

For consumers who want to purchase insurance in 2021, there will be more than 1,

As part of this effort, CMS will also implement a special period each month exclusively for low-income enrollment, who will get free or extremely affordable plans. This alternative has the financial support granted by the American Rescue Plan.

How much does the insurance cost in 2021?

With the plan approved by the Biden government to help with the pandemic, the percentage of financial aid or subsidy increases in relation to previous years. For instance:

  • Family of 4, living in Jersey City (NJ) with two children (10 and 12 years). Total Household Income is $ 106, 10 annually, which represents a 405% above poverty level.

This family of 4 now receives an estimated subsidy of $ 614 ($ 7, 362 annually) to cover insurance costs.

The cost of a silver plan in NJ for this family will now be $ 751 per month.

Without subsidy, this family would have to pay every month $ 1, 364. In other words, you are now receiving a subsidy that covers the 45% of the total cost of a silver plan, in this example.

On 2020, before the rescue plan approved by President Biden, this family with that income did not qualify for a subsidy.

If you want to calculate how much you would have to pay for your health insurance and that of your family in the state where you reside, you can use this updated allowance calculator or call this toll free number: 1-888-500 – 7476

What is the federal poverty level?

The Federal Poverty Level (FPL) is a measure of the level of income issued annually by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Federal poverty levels are used to determine an individual’s eligibility for certain programs and benefits, including savings in the Marketplace for Medicaid and CHIP insurance and coverage.

Once the person knows they are eligible for a Marketplace plan, they will have to choose between different plans qualified as metals, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum, which have different costs and deductibles. In general, the rule is, the higher the monthly premium, the less the deductible (what you pay out of pocket for certain services until the insurer begins to pay).

It is very important to find out the options, because depending on the area in which you live and your income, your medical plan could cost you up to $ 0.

Another novelty: also as part of this national plan, and so that people have many options to enroll, for the first time, CMS will offer states that use the federal platform the possibility of establishing their own registration dates, as long as they comply with the 36 initial days, and extend beyond 15 from December. That is, states cannot establish shorter periods.

Health insurance in your state

There are 36 states that use the federal platform. They are:

  • Alabama, Alaska
  • Arizona, Arkansas
  • Carolina North, South Carolina
  • North Dakota, South Dakota
  • Delaware, Florida
  • Georgia, Hawaii
  • Illinois, Indiana
  • Iowa, Kansas
  • Kentucky, Louisiana
  • Maine, Michigan
  • Mississippi, Missouri
  • Montana, Nebraska
  • New Hampshire, New Mexico
  • Ohio, Oklahoma
  • Oregon, Tennessee
  • Texas, Utah
  • Virginia, West Virginia
  • Wisconsin, Wyoming

In addition to the District of Columbia, the 14 states that manage their own markets health insurance companies are:

  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Idaho
  • Mayland
  • Massachusetts
  • Minnesota
  • Nevada
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont
  • Washington

Because you must have health insurance

The following are at least 7 compelling reasons why you should have medical coverage:

1) The pandemic. COVID – 19 impacts more cruelly on people with pre-existing conditions. Those living with hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions are at higher risk of developing a more serious form of covid, and of dying from the infection. Today it is more important than ever to get medical care (not delay) to get pre-existing conditions under control. This is easier with health insurance.

2) Astronomical bills. Health insurance can be expensive, but not having it can cost a lot more. An accident, a fracture, the diagnosis of a heart condition, high cholesterol, hypertension, a skin rash, an asthma attack, your child’s fall while riding a bike, can trigger unexpected visits to the doctor and a cataract of difficult medical bills. to pay.

3) Help to pay. Your health insurance pays for your preventive medical expenses, and for other medical expenses in general when you have already reached the limit of your deductible (what you must pay out of your own pocket before the insurer begins to pay).

4) Family prevention. When all family members have health insurance, they tend to receive more preventive care, get annual check-ups, receive mandatory vaccinations and of the flu. If you have a medical situation or emergency and you do not have health insurance, the person will probably end up in an emergency room, which is much more expensive, either for your own pocket if you have the ability to pay that bill, or for the hospital if it has to absorb that expense.

5) Free care. When you have health insurance, by law you can have vaccines and preventive checkups at no cost, even before you reach your deductible.

6) Belong to a network. By having insurance, you pay less when you receive care from health providers that are part of your medical plan, even earlier that you reach your deductible.

7) Group benefit. When a person pays for health insurance, the money from the premiums goes to a kind of common fund that the insurer uses to pay for the medical expenses of its members. A healthy person spends less and, obviously, a person with medical conditions, more. That balance, which constantly varies because someone healthy can get sick, helps prevent premiums (monthly payments) from increasing, as well as contributing to health and common well-being.

The help you need

Remember that medical insurance gives you the peace of mind that in the event of any eventuality, accident or emergency, you and your family will be able to access the best health professionals.

There are different ways to enroll in health insurance. The easiest thing to do is contact an agent to help you. You can call HolaInsurance at +1 (888) 258 – 7476. Help is provided here in Spanish.

You can also ask an agent to contact you.

Enter here your information and a registered agent or broker in the Insurance Market will speak directly to you.