Monday, September 30

What to do when your vital energy is stolen: with this method you recover it in minutes

Las personas empáticas pueden ser vulnerables a malas energías, pero con este método, se recuperan fácilmente.
Empathic people can be vulnerable to bad energy, but with this method, they recover easily.

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

The emotions of other people and the vibrations of the spaces, when they are negative or of low frequency, can steal our vital energy . For this reason there are times when you feel tired, annoyed and desperate , however, a method can help you regain your spirits in just minutes.

This is a special technology that helps empathic or sensitive people to external stimuli, such as negativity, to stay revitalized and connected with themselves .

People who are very Perceptual insights can immediately connect with the world around them, which can be enriching. However, it is easy for them to get caught up in the emotions and feelings of others, including the tensions of the environment.

When to use this method?

Expert in the arts of intuition and channeling energies Tanya Carroll Richardson explained in a MindBodyGreen article .com that this method, explained later, can be used when you have anxiety, racing thoughts, or trouble concentrating .

Also, if you have concern for a loved one, obsession with someone, when interacting with a person that steals energy or is negative, if we go through a difficult moment or a problem does not let us move forward.

Likewise, it can be applied when we were exhausted after going to a place where there were many people such as a concert, sporting event, shopping plaza, family reunion ar, as well as after going to the office.

What to do when your vital energy is stolen ?

The expert revealed step by step what we must do to recover vital energy in a matter of minutes:

Step 1. Slow down your breathing to calm the nervous system.

Step 2. Pause to get comfortable in a seat, get a snack, a glass of water or go to the bathroom. The goal is to have time for yourself.

Step 3. Place your hand on your heart, caress your leg, or fold your hands in your lap. The purpose of this step is to physically connect with your own energy.

Step 4. Answer this question “what is happening with me?”. Focus on your emotions, what you have felt, the reasons that make you feel angry, sad, anxious, hopeless or unhappy.

Step 5. Now ask yourself “what do I want or need?” Focus on what would make you happy after you come out of that heartbreak. Find something that encourages you, whether it is living with a friend, eating your favorite dish, petting your pet, etc. The objective of this last step is to increase your vital energy.

The expert pointed out that, if you make this method a habit, you will have full control of your energy.

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