Monday, September 30

7-year-old girl has been suspended 36 times from her school in Florida for not wearing a mask

Padres de Tampa, Florida protestan el uso obligatorio de mascarillas en las escuelas.
Tampa, Florida parents protest the mandatory use of masks in schools.

Photo: Octavio Jones / Getty Images

A 7 year old girl from Florida will probably have to repeat the second degree after being suspended 36 times for refusing to comply with the district’s face mask mandate .

The recalcitrant Palm Beach County student was described by her mother, Bailey Lashells, as a typical girl who enjoys arts and crafts, drawing and jewelry making, reported the Tampa Free Press.

But his determined daughter Fiona “changed her priorities a bit” amid the pandemic.

He said that his daughter “has been firm” in her decision to “ do everything possible for every child who goes through these illegal mandates. ”

La niña Fiona Lashells junto al gobernador Ron DeSantis. / Facebook.
The girl Fiona Lashells with Governor Ron DeSantis. / Facebook.

Since then, the 7-year-old student has been punished with a total of 36 days of suspensions and multiple in-school disciplinary actions.

7-year-old Fiona Lashells reportedly said she believed wearing a mask “could make her sick,” in a YouTube video that has since been removed.

Fiona served her first punishment on 31 August, when she was forced to eat lunch alone in an office hallway, according to Free Press.

Lashells said that his strong-willed daughter could now be held back.

“Unfortunately, the blows don’t seem to stop, as she was recently told after completing every assignment that your teacher will tell you that not only is you failing second grade, but there is no way you can catch up, according to your teacher, ”continued the mother.

In July, Governor Ron DeSantis signed an executive order that made the use of face masks optional. in public schools.

But in Palm Beach County, one of the strongest Democratic strongholds in the state, the board member Alexandria Ayala has been a strong advocate of mandatory masking, Free Press said.

DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw told Fox News in a statement that “there is no scientific basis for the forced masking of children in school, and the decision should always rest with the parents.

“Although parents play a crucial role in the education of children , school board members, educators, and school staff must also be dedicated to helping students succeed, ”he said.

“Anyone who denies a small child I have the right to go to school, for not complying with an illegal mask mandate, he does not care about education and he certainly does not care about children, ”added Pushaw.