Monday, September 30

New Moon in Scorpio: 3 rituals to start the cycle with positive energy

La energía de la luna nueva será transformadora, a través de los rituales, este cambio será positivo.
The energy of the new moon will be transformative, through rituals, this change will be positive.

Photo: Alexandro David / Pexels

The new moon in Scorpio that occurs this November 4 will arrive with sudden changes and transformations in all areas, and if you want your life to take a positive turn, you can take advantage of this energy by performing some rituals .

The new moons, as they are also known as the new moons , represent the beginning of a cycle, so that ue they are the perfect time to start a project on the right foot .

Astrologers have said that the November new moon 2021 means a revolution because it coincides with the movement of the sun in front of Uranus, the planet of transformation.

If you want to take advantage of this energy so that your life improves and you start a new cycle on the right foot, do something one of the following rituals.

1. New moon ritual to attract money

This spell, which the astrologer Artemis Seer shared in the Panorama site, serves for the energies of change to boost your personal finances.

You need a plate, a handful of rice, a yellow candle and cinnamon incense .

Place the yellow candle in the center of the plate and add rice around it, make sure to cover the entire surface of the plate.

With a match, light the cinnamon incense. While you make circles on the candle repeat the following phrase “I am a magnet for money” and thank the universe.

2. Ritual to be reborn with the new moon

If you want to release emotional charge to start a new lunar cycle with renewed energies, opt for this ritual shared by the account of Instagram Astrally .

You need a purple candle, paper, a pen, the object or objects that represent what you want to drop (such as a photo of an ex, a gift, etc) and a fire resistant container.

Cut the sheet of paper into pieces and on each one write what you want to free. It can be an emotion, a vice, a negative habit, bad thoughts, etc.

Light the purple candle with a match and ask for help to release and turn into positive what you wrote on the papers.

Place the candle in the fireproof container and burn each paper. If possible, burn the object that represents what you want to drop. If it’s too big or dangerous, don’t do this step.

When they are completely burned, meditate on what you want to attract in the new cycle and write those intentions on a piece of paper.

3. Amulet for prosperity

This ritual is to perform a lunar amulet to attract prosperity eternally, as indicated by its author Alma Roxana on her YouTube channel.

For this spell you need sugar or honey, a dollar bill or the lowest denomination you have gas.

Place the ticket in a sale so that it receives the lunar energies all night. The next night, place it again but on top of a layer of sugar or honey. On the third night add more sugar or honey.

The next morning, take the bill and wrap it in paper. Keep it in your wallet as a charm and don’t spend it. The wonder of this ritual is that it is not necessary to renew it, as long as you do not lose or spend it.

It may interest you: What to do and what not to do during New Moon