Monday, September 30

VIDEO: The traditional Sonora Market in Mexico City burns

On the morning of this Thursday, November 4 there was a strong fire in the traditional Sonora Market , located in the Merced Balbuena neighborhood, in the Venustiano Carranza Mayor’s Office of Mexico City .

It was around the 11: 00 in the morning, time in central Mexico, when the heroic fire department of Mexico City received the report of the fire in one of the industrial warehouses of the market, where 10 commercial premises were affected.

According to the first reports, the fire occurred in the food area of ​​the market without the causes of the accident being known so far.

“The fire starts in the food part, until we can enter and check we can know what caused the fire, fortunately we have no injuries, we have no deceased people, it was possible to evacuate all the tenants very quickly, all the emergency services arrived very quickly in a few minutes and at this moment firefighters are saying that they carry the 80% of confinement already on all four sides, ”said Myriam Urzúa, Secretary of Comprehensive Risk Management and Civil Protection of Mexico City.

A helicopter from the Condor group of the capital police was in charge of supervising from the air the emergency work of the civil protection elements.

Personnel from the Secretariat of Citizen Security of Mexico City cut off the circulation throughout the area of ​​the first square of the city.

In the traditional Sonora Market, founded in the year de 1957 , Mexicans and foreigners can find Santeria products, medicinal plants, pets, papel picado, clay and wood articles, Christmas items, among others.

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