Sunday, September 29

Joe Biden: why the phrase “let's go Brandon” became an insult of the right against the president of the United States

They sing it in stadiums, they write it on banners, Republican politicians pronounce it and even an airplane pilot dares to pronounce it in mid-flight.

“Let’s go Brandon” (Let’s go Brandon) has become the fashionable slogan of the opposition to Joe Biden in the United States.

The phrase is actually a euphemism to say “Fuck Biden” (Fuck you Biden) and comes from apparent confusion.

Occurred during a NASCAR car race in Alabama at early October.

The winner, named Brandon Brown, was being interviewed by an NBC journalist while the crowd sang.

The reporter interpreted that the chants of the viewers said “Let’s go Brandon” and this was reported in the broadcast.

But in reality what they sang was “Fuck Biden”.

Throwing weapon

A sector of the American right accuses the journalist, called Kelli Stavast, of masking ar the true chant from the stands against Biden.

Many Trump supporters have taken this alleged misunderstanding of the reporter as proof of what they consider “fake news” in the media.

Ted Cruz, senador del estado de Texas.
A sector of the American right, including Republican Ted Cruz, criticizes that the journalist who supposedly confused the chants was spreading what in his opinion is “fake news.”

Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas said in a recent interview with conservative podcaster Benny Johnson that the reporter’s clip was “surreal” and that hearing her say they sang “Let’s go Brandon picked up all about the fake news at the same time. ”

Since the day of the incident during the race, on October 2,“ Let’s go Brandon ” has not stopped grow on Google Trends.

And today it is a slogan frequently used by the opposition to President Biden in both social networks and public spaces.

Political slogan

One of the most curious incidents occurred last Friday 29 October.

During a flight between the cities of Houston and Albuquerque, the pilot concluded his greeting to the passengers with the phrase “Let’s go Brandon”.

The phrase is used both in social networks and public spaces to show disapproval of Joe’s administration Biden.

The airline in question, Southwest, has opened an investigation in this regard and responded in a statement that “it was proud to provide a comfortable, respectful and welcoming environment” and that “behaviors of any individual that are divisive or offensive are not tolerated.”

Republican politicians have also adopted this slogan to show their dissatisfaction with the Biden administration.

Bill Posey, a Republican congressman, finished one of his speeches in the House of Representatives pronouncing the slogan and the also Republican congressman Jeff Duncan even printed it on his protective mask that he used in an official act.

The popularity of this anti-Biden slogan occurs in parallel to a moment difficult for the president without even having served his first year in the White House.

Surveys have been warning in recent months of a decline in popularity, which at the beginning of November reached a level of disapproval of 51%.

A trend that has been reflected this week at the polls after Republican Glenn Youngkin’s triumph as governor in Virginia, a state in which Biden clearly prevailed in the presidential elections a year ago.

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