Sunday, September 29

The Napoli of 'Chucky' Lozano came back in Warsaw for the triumph in the Europa League

Legia in the fourth day of the Europa League , where Hirving ‘Chucky’ Lozano was in plan stellar.

Although the scoring was opened by the Legia Varsovia team with a score by Mahir Emreli, at the minute 10 of the commitment, everything indicated that the Polish team would continue to surprise in this group.

But things would change in the second half, where Napoli reacted, causing two penalties that helped them to go up to the marker with annotations from the twelve steps of Piotr Zielinski to the 51 ′ and Dries Mertens to the 75 ′.

As if that were not enough, the Mexican Hirving ‘Chucky’ Lozano joined the Neapolitan party in Warsaw, scoring his goal at the minute 78 ′ to take distance cia on the scoreboard.

Who joined the party to close the win was Adam Ounas, who finished sealing the victory of the Italian team on the fourth day of the Europa League and with the opportunity to depend on himself, to stay in positions qualifying to the next phase.