Friday, September 20

Trump Followers Forcibly Enter Congress; session in Senate and Chamber suspended

Dozens of supporters of the President Donald Trump forcibly entered the Capitol, causing the suspension of the sessions of the House of Representatives and the Senate on the certification of the Electoral College vote.

In the morning, the protesters heard the harangues of the Republican president on the rejection of the electoral results , where he also warned that he would not recognize the triumph of the Democrat Joe Biden .

The rally proceeded calmly, but after the participation of President Trump, the protesters went to the Capitol and had clashes with the Police, who tried to withdraw them even with tear gas, but the Republican’s followers outnumbered by dozens to the authorities, some climbed walls and others ran towards the stairs to enter the building.

Videos circulating on social networks showed the aggression growing vity of supporters of President Trump, who demanded that the certification of the elections be suspended.

The C-SPAN system broadcast the sessions of both houses, where a group of Republicans demanded that the electoral process be reviewed, following the same argument of “fraud” of President Trump.

In the Senate, the Republican leader, Mitch McConnell (Kentucky), had asked his colleagues not to challenge the certification, amid the runoff election in Georgia, which placed Republicans as a minority.

Then the live broadcast was suspended. He returned a few minutes later with the report that the representatives and senators had been evicted due to the violent irruption.

Several videos published by accredited reporters made it possible to hear the chaos in the building: screaming and knocking on furniture. One of the recordings captured the moment when the supporters of President Trump banged on the front door, until they managed to enter, despite the order of the Capitol Police to leave.

The congressmen began to share some information on social networks.

“They gave us gas masks on the floor of the Chamber. Tear gas has been used in the Rotunda, ”wrote Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly (Virginia) on Twitter.

By then the chaos was total. Images showed supporters of President Trump in the Chamber and Senate rooms, sitting on the floor and in chairs, but several arrived at the offices of some representatives, including the president Nancy Pelosi (California), who asked President Trump to calm his supporters, as well as the deployment of the National Guard.

# Trump supporters have breached the Capitol police security line and are forcefully entering the Capitol building in protest of Congress’s certification of the electoral college result. # WashingtonDC # Elections 2020

– Revolution Watch (@RevoWatch)

January 6, 2021

The mayor of Washington, DC, Muriel Bowser, ordered a curfew in the city starting at 6: 00 pm this Wednesday and until 6: 00 am on January 7.

“During the hours of this curfew, no person, other than those designated by the Mayor’s Office, may walk, cycle, run, meet or circulate by car or other mode of transportation on the street or park or any other place in the District ” , indicates your order.

Today, I’m ordering a citywide curfew for the District of Columbia from 6: pm on Wednesday, January 6, until 6: 00 am on Thursday, January 7.

– Mayor Muriel Bowser (@MayorBowser) January 6, 2021

Following requests from Pelosi and Mayor Bowser, NBC News confirmed that the National Guard would deploy elements to secure the Capitol.

It was also indicated that the Governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, said that he would send some 200 items that operate in their state. By then, after 4: 00 pm more items Special Forces from Washington, DC arrived on the scene.

Holy shit

– Jim Newell (@jim_newell) January 6, 2021

Shy call from Trump

Unlike his speeches at the rally organized in front of the White House, President Trump took in condemning the violence on Capitol Hill. Their first step was, of course, a tuir.

“They are really on the country’s side. Keep in peace! ”He said.

Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2021

Hours later, when everything had gotten out of control – and the President-elect Biden had described the events as “not a protest, but an insurrection” – President Trump had to ask for reassurance, but insisted that his election had been “stolen.”

“We have to have peace, we have to have public order, we have to respect our great law and order staff. We do not want anyone to be injured, “said the president in a video of just over a minute. “Go home” .

Twitter blocked the video so that they could give “likes” or write comments, pointing out the violent acts in the US capital

And the certification ?

So far it is unknown where and when Congress representatives will resume their session to certify the presidential election.

The first step was taken with the delivery of the Electoral College ballots by the president of the Senate, the vice president Mike Pence , who was among the first to be evicted from the Capitol after the violent entry.

Prior to that, the Republican challenged Trump, stating that he could not oppose the certification of the US election.

“I have considered that my oath to support and defend the Constitution limits me to claiming unilateral authority to determine which elector votes Which ones should be counted and which ones shouldn’t, ” Pence said in a letter sent to Congress.