Friday, September 20

Court in China annuls marriage because man hid AIDS from partner

Tribunal en China anula matrimonio porque hombre ocultó a su pareja que tenía SIDA

The woman even interrupted her pregnancy for fear that her baby was infected.

Photo: Emma Bauso / Pexels

A particular case was released by different Chinese media, which deals with the decision of a Court of that country to annul a marriage after that the woman alleged that her partner hid a terrible truth from her before they got married.

It turns out that the The couple got married last June and just a few weeks after the marriage took place, the woman denounced her husband, accusing him that he deliberately concealed from her that he suffered from a disease: AIDS.

The applicant, who has been identified only by her last name Li, knew her ex-husband, whose last name is Jiang, thanks to the fact that they have a mutual friend. Love soon arose between them and after a few months of dating, they moved in together.

It was in June of 2020 when the girl found out that she was pregnant, so immediately, the couple decided to get married. After the ceremony, he confessed to his wife that he was HIV positive and that for several years he has been under medical treatment to control the disease.

Jiang le He assured his wife that due to his treatment, there was no risk of transmitting the virus to her or her baby; However, the news fell so badly that Li decided to terminate the pregnancy and requested the annulment of the marriage.

The authorities ruled in favor against the woman and the marriage was annulled, since the new Civil Code establishes that the annulment of the marriage is possible if one of the spouses has a “serious illness” and did not inform his partner about his condition before getting married.