Friday, September 20

Washington, DC curfew ordered for violence by Trump supporters

Ordenan toque de queda en Washington, D.C., por violencia de seguidores de Trump

Dozens of Trump supporters continue on the streets of Washington, DC

Photo: Capture C-SPAN / Courtesy

The Mayor of the District of Columbia, Muriel Bowser , ordered a curfew from this Wednesdays at 6: 00 pm until January 7 at 6: 00 am, due to the violent takeover of Congress by supporters of the president Donald Trump .

“During the hours of this curfew, no person, other than those designated by the Mayor’s Office, may walk, cycle, run, meet or circulate by car or other mode of transportation in the street or park or any other place in the District ”, indicates your order.

Today, I’m ordering a citywide curfew for the District of Columbia from 6: 00 pm on Wednesday, January 6, until 6: 00 am on Thursday, January 7.

– Major Muriel Bowser (@MayorBowser) January 6, 1346902298044325893

During his rally this morning, President Trump angered his followers about defending his “triumph” and rejecting “electoral fraud”, but after the excesses he has asked that they remain in peace.

“They are really on the country side. Keep in peace! ”He said.

Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2021

Dozens of people entered Congress causing the suspension of the sessions of the House and Senate, that would certify the Electoral College vote.