Monday, October 7

Police accused of obstructing investigations of the assault on the US Capitol resigns

Partidarios de Trump chocaron con la policía y las fuerzas de seguridad del Capitolio el 6 de enero de 2021.
Trump supporters clashed with Capitol police and security forces on January 6, 2021.

Photo: JOSEPH PREZIOSO / AFP / Getty Images

Michael A. Riley , the policeman of the Capitolio accused of obstruction of justice in the investigations of the assault carried out by the mob of supporters of the former president Donald Trump on the seat of Congress, has submitted his resignation this week, according to his lawyer said on Friday.

Riley , with more than 25 years of service, has become the first agent of the Capitol Police to be charged with trying to help several of the assailants who attacked the Capitol Building on January 6 when a joint session was held to ratify the victory of Joe Biden in the presidential elections.

His lawyer, Christopher Macchiaroli, has underlined in u n statement that after “a distinguished career” in the Capitol Police , where he was even named in a occasion in 2011 “Officer of the Month” and “Officer of the Year” a year before, Riley , who has already been suspended from pay, resigned on Wednesday.

In contrast to the reports presented by the prosecution, his attorney has noted that Riley , like many of his colleagues, “engaged in acts of heroism” the last January 6, 2021, in response to the attack on United States Capitol .

“The evidence will show that it is not a felony for one person suggesting another to delete ill-conceived Facebook posts, ”Macchiaroli explained, according to CNBC.

According to the indictment, Riley would have been in co Contact with other social network users who participated in the January 6 assault to show their support and recommend that they delete the photographs they had posted on social networks, to avoid reprisals from the authorities.

“I am a Capitol Police officer who agrees with your political position”; or “remove the part where you were in the building, they’re investigating and they’re going to press charges against everyone who was there. Be attentive! ”Are some of the messages that, according to the Prosecutor’s Office, Riley would have sent.

“I’m glad you got out of there unscathed. More than fifty agents were injured, some quite serious, ”Riley also reportedly told one of his contacts, to whom he later recommended to leave social networks.

“They are arresting dozens of people every day. To all those who were in the building, participated in violent acts or damage to property … And all are being accused under federal laws for serious crimes ”, is another of the messages that the Prosecutor’s Office attributes to Riley .

One of the people with whom Riley maintained communications the days after the assault was arrested by the FBI last 19 January, the day before the agent told him to delete these messages.

With Information from POLITICO and agencies

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