Monday, October 7

The eruption on La Palma remains stable but causes 159 earthquakes in 24 hours

A pesar de las erupciones ininterrumpidas de toneladas de dióxido de azufre, el aire no ha perdido calidad en La Palma,
Despite the uninterrupted eruptions of tons of sulfur dioxide, the air quality has not lost on La Palma,

Photo: JORGE GUERRERO / Getty Images



The volcanic eruption on the Canary Island of La Palma continues with the same pattern for a few days and the advance of one of the lava flows, which could threaten the access road to the town of Puerto Naos, is of particular concern.

The authorities assure that this coastal and tourist center of the island is not at risk.

The technical director of the Volcanic Risk Prevention Plan of La Palma (Pevolca), Miguel Ángel Morcuende, explained that of one of the lava flows that flow from the Cumbre Vieja volcano, specifically the one identified as number 3, has detached

a small appendix that is directed towards the area known as Majadas and that could affect the access road to the tourist center .

The res Responsible for the body that monitors the activity of the volcano and organizes the response to the phenomenon, explained that eruptive conditions continue with high rates of lava emission and a reconfiguration of the volcanic cone, which is maintained with an opening towards the west, which is favorable so that the magmatic material it releases does not cause more damage.

The air quality has improved in the last 24 hours, without having exceeded the sulfur dioxide thresholds in any of the measuring stations s.

The eruptive column of gases and ash thrown by the volcano reaches 3, 300 meters high and sulfur dioxide emissions in that plume maintain decreasing values ​​for the fifth consecutive day, although still high with 12, 000 daily tons .

The seismic swarm associated with the eruption remains as in recent days , with a maximum magnitude of 4.2 and an intensity of IV on a scale of XII in the last hours.

There is no new data on the damage to housing, but there is on the destruction of crops, with 266. 61 hectares affected.

Video of the active south wash at 18. 00 (Canary time) from La Laguna mountain / Video of the active southern lava flow at 6. 00 pm (Canarian time) from La Laguna mountain # LaPalma

– INVOLCAN (@involcan) October 29, 2021

The latest count on the effect on roads and highways exceeds 60 kilometres.

Of the evicted people s, ones 7, 000, there are 454 in hotels and 44 dependent persons in socio-sanitary centers .

More of 100 earthquakes in just 24 hours on La Palma

159 earthquakes in the area affected by the volcanic reactivation of the Cumbre Vieja are those located in the last 24 hours by the National Geographic Institute (IGN), a Spanish organization that also reported that of these, fifteen were felt by the population.

A maximum intensity was reached in the epicentral zone IV (EMS 98) in six of the earthquakes and the largest , 4.2 mbLg, was produced at 20: 21 Local Thursday to 44 kilometers deep.

7 earthquakes were located at depths around the 30 kilometers and the rest of the hypocentres are located at a lower depth, in the environment of the 12 kilometres.

The amplitude of the volcanic tremor signal is maintained at medium high levels, with intensification pulses.

The island’s network of permanent GNSS stations shows that the elevation recorded on the day 25 at LP station 03, which is the closest to the eruptive centers, has reversed.

However, the southern deformation recorded by the station only partially recovered.

In the more remote stations a slight deflation possibly related to deep seismicity .

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