Sunday, October 6

What is my car's VIN number and why is it so important?

El número de identificación del vehículo (VIN) es un número único que el fabricante asigna a cada vehículo.
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a unique number that the manufacturer assigns to each vehicle.

Photo: Donald Joski / Shutterstock

The VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is a number assigned to each vehicle at the time of manufacture . In that sense, it is a unique number that does not repeat itself and is made up of a series of numbers and letters. Also known as “VIN code” or “chassis number”, it represents the identity of the vehicles and is present in all of them, both in the United States and in the rest of the world. Its importance lies, mainly, in the close relationship it has with the vehicle history report, a type of record to which you can have full access, despite not being the owner of the vehicle.

The VIN number of a vehicle is arranged in various parts of the chassis : under the hood, just in front of the engine; on the front or rear wheels; in the trunk, just below the spare tire; on the driver’s door or in the most common place: on the dashboard, right behind the steering wheel. It also appears in the documents of the car, specifically in the title deed of the same.

As with the driving record, a document that provides tons of information on driver performance , Vehicle History Report contains all related information with the car since it came off the production line . The owners can have access to all this information when they need it, but since it is public, this information is also available to the authorities or other people who request it through supplier companies such as CARFAX, as long as the VIN code is available. .

Vehicle History Reports are made up of information from all sources and can contain revealing data. The authorities always recommend using this type of information to make a decision, especially when buying a used car . In this way, you have full knowledge of the physical condition of the vehicle (if it has suffered any type of damage) and the legal status (in case it is involved with any type of crime or crime).

In the same way as it works for the purchase of a used vehicle, private sellers can also use this information as a kind of guarantee that everything is in order with the vehicle what are you offering.

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