Thursday, September 19

World's first unisex condom unveiled in Malaysia

Por contar con un adhesivo en un lado del condón, puede invertirse y ser utilizado por cualquiera de los dos sexos.
By having an adhesive on one side of the condom, it can be inverted and used by either sex.

Photo: Behrouz Mehri / AFP / Getty Images

According to various studies, the correct use of a condom is one of the most effective methods to prevent venereal diseases and pregnancy; Originally, dating from the 16th century, it seemed intended for use only by men.

However, evolution led to 1992 the female condom was launched. A 29 years after that event, a new option is born, Wondaleaf, according to its creators, is the first unisex condom in the world .

It is, according to its creator, the Malaysian gynecologist John Tang Ing Chinh, the first unisex condom in the world, which can be used by women or men and which It is made of a medical grade material that is often used as a wound and wound dressing.

According to the inventor, it is basically a normal condom with an adhesive cover. It is a condom with an adhesive covering that adheres to the vagina or penis , in addition to covering the adjacent area for added protection.

Tang Ing Chinh added that the adhesive is only applied to one side of the condom, which means it can be reversed and be used by either sex.

According to data published by Twin Catalyst medical supply company, these condoms are made of polyurethane, a material used in transparent wound dressings because it is thin and flexible , as well as being strong and waterproof.

Even, based on the number of clinical trials that have been carried out on Wondaleaf, Tang Ing Chinh himself claims to be quite optimistic that, over time, will be a “significant contribution to the many contraceptive methods used in the prevention of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections” .

The goal of the inventor of this condom is to help the population take control of their sexual health regardless of their biological sex or sexual orientation.

Thus, after passing several rounds of investigation, The Wondaleaf will go on the market next December, with a cost less than $ 2 dollars per unit , with presentations of two condoms.

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