Thursday, September 19

Racism: They called a Colombian soccer player a “monkey” in Panama

The Colombian footballer of the Panamanian Taurus Gustavo Chará told Efe on Tuesday that he realized that he was the target of racist insults because the referee informed him that they were calling him “monkey” and stopped Saturday’s game against Plaza Amador on the twelfth date of the local tournament.

Due to this incident, the Panamanian Soccer League (LPF) imposed this Tuesday on the Plaza Amador a fine of $ 1, 000 dollars and a sanction for a game without an audience.

“I had not found out what happened and it was the referee, he told me that they were saying cute, black and anyway … but I took it normal and told him to play and that nothing happened “, said the former Colombian Deportivo Cali player.

Chará thanked the referee that “ He told me that above all there must be respect “, and that this type of behavior was not going to be tolerated.

He pointed out that he did not see the people who threw the racist insults at him, but that is aware that they came from the back of the Plaza Amador bank, “I don’t know if from the stands or from a box.”

“When the referee informed me that they were telling me monkey, my reaction was to hit my chest, but I always asked him to continue with the game ”, Held.

Regarding racism, the player acknowledged that it is something that occurs all over the world , but that he has never taken it the wrong way.

“I thank my parents who always they instilled in me to feel proud of the ethnic group or race to which I belong . I keep that we must respect the people we refer to, regardless of the condition of each one, “said the player, a native of Candelaria, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.

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