Friday, September 20

Influencer's father breaks down in tears after learning that son paid the mortgage on his house as a Christmas present

Padre de influencer rompe en llanto tras conocer que hijo pagó la hipoteca de su casa como regalo de Navidad

The influencer has more than 2 million followers on TikTok.

Photo: MANJUNATH KIRAN / AFP / Getty Images

The father of British youtuber Jamie Nyland could not contain his tears when he found out that his son had paid the mortgage on your house as a Christmas gift .

An entry from the video fan on TikTok this Sunday shows the moment when the user with more than two million fans on that social network announces that he paid “every penny” of the mortgage.

Nyland, 24 years old and a native of England , settled the outstanding debt with the bank so that his father, Richard, can retire earlier than planned.

“I just called the bank and I have paid every penny of his mortgage ”, Nyland comments in the video reviewed by media such as RT Noticias. “I swear to you,” “I swear to you,” insists the young man.

Initially, Richard does not believe the boy’s words until he tells you. He ends up convincing him. The parent cannot stop crying.

“You have worked all your life and now you can retire,” adds the son while indicating that he does so because wants.

“It’s in the will. What is yours is mine ”, expresses the father when the influencer tells him that the house is his. That’s when Nyland also starts crying.

In a later comment on networks, the Englishman explained that for four years he has made videos for Vine and for 10 years on YouTube to fulfill the “sole objective” of paying off his family’s mortgage.