Saturday, September 21

The legend of “Pascualita” causes terror … her mother embalmed her and used her as a mannequin

En México existe una tienda de vestidos de novias llamada “La popular”, destaca por un maniquí con detalles que se asemejan a un ser humano.
In Mexico there is a wedding dress store called “La popular”, it stands out for a mannequin with details that resemble a human being .

Photo: Majid Saeedi / Getty Images

As if it were part of a horror movie script, the legend of ‘La Pascualita’ could rob more than one; It could be a beautiful woman who after death was embalmed, turned into a mannequin and is in the window of a store.

According to the inhabitants of Chihuahua, a small wedding dress store in that city, in northern Mexico, attracts attention for his showcase, where in addition to displaying the best clothes, a cold gaze emanates from a tall and slender figure, dressed and decorated as if he were about to go to the altar .

It is, according to storytellers, the daughter of Pascuala Esparza, former owner of the place, who when he could not bear the death of the young woman, decided to embalm her and have her as his emblematic figure of his business .

According to local historians, “Pascualita” was about to get married, but tragically, on her wedding day , a poisonous insect bit him and he died , his mother was so affected by the loss of her daughter that wanted preserve his body, that is why it was mummified and placed on the sideboard , where hundreds of people say, you can look at the detail of the body as evidence is that the story is real.

His strange resemblance to humans, for many, is very dark, enough with looking at the worn nails, aged skin and deep gaze so that the terror invades the visitors .

However, local media doubt that this story is real, as they indicate that there are records that it was brought from France by the manager of the clothing store called La Popular ”.

Currently, the store has a new owner, Mario González, who keeps the terrifying figure on the sideboard and unlike other mannequins, “Pascualita” receives special treatment, because before changing her clothes, the curtains are closed, as if taking care of her modesty and maintaining the mystery .

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