Thursday, September 19

La Palma volcano in Spain has been erupting for 5 weeks with a series of earthquakes

Volcán Cumbre Vieja en España cumple más de un mes en erupción.
Cumbre Vieja volcano in Spain has been erupting for more than a month.

Photo: Marcos del Mazo / Getty Images



The Spanish Atlantic island of La Palma, where the volcano of Cumbre Vieja is still active, has registered 79 earthquakes in the early hours of this Sunday, detected by the National Geographic Institute.

La Palma, in the Canary Islands archipelago, is subject to chains of tremors, known as “seismic swarm”, since days before the volcanic eruption began, the past 19 September.

The largest last night , from 4.1, was located at 13 kilometers of depth and direction practically throughout the island.

The largest earthquake so far (4.9) occurred this Saturday at 38 kilometers deep.

The main cone of the volcano partially collapsed yesterday, as large lava spills continue.

The concern at the moment is the one that has remained standing in the La Laguna neighborhood, at risk for buildings and crops.

So far, the volcano has washed away near 900 hectares and has destroyed about 2, 150 buildings , many of them homes, according to data from the Copernicus satellite system. In addition, about 7, 000 people had to be evicted from the beginning of the emergency.

It may interest you:

· VIDEO: Soufriere volcano in San Vicente thus erupted; there are between 15, 04 and 16, affected persons

· The chilling testimonies of those who witnessed the eruption of the volcano in New Zealand

· La Palma: what is happening on this Canary Island, the “tip of the iceberg” of a 5-kilometer-high volcanic building

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