Friday, September 20

WHO ironizes with pandemic: “It will end when the world chooses to end it”

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus criticó que las herramientas de salud pública y médicas no se hayan usado como corresponde.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus criticized that public health and medical tools have not been used properly.

Photo: John Macdougall / AFP / Getty Images

It is not the first time that the director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, criticizes to inequity in access to vaccines against Coronavirus in the world and this Sunday was no exception, he recalled that the pandemic, which adds up 50, 000 dead a week, “is far from over” , just because of that imbalance.

To frame his claim, the WHO leader established that the Covid pandemic – 19 will end “when everyone decides to end it” , since we currently have “all the tools” necessary to fight the virus.

Under the framework of the opening ceremony of the “World Summit on Health”, which brings together health professionals and political leaders every year in Berlin, T edros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called, as on several other occasions, to vaccine producers to prioritize COVAX and, at the same time, fulfill their commitments to this mechanism, as well as to be more transparent about the fate of vaccines and share knowledge, technologies and licenses and waive intellectual property rights . “If we do this, we can end the pandemic and accelerate the global recovery,” he said.

In the same vein, he pointed out that the established goal of vaccinating 40 percent of the population of each country by the end of this year it can be achieved , but under certain conditions. To do this, asked all countries that have at least the 40 percent of its vaccinated population to “give up their place in the vaccine distribution queue” to the COVAX mechanism and the African Fund for the Acquisition of Vaccines (AVAT) ”.

The claim, increasingly insistent when there is a public forum, joined that of Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, who also warned that “nationalism in vaccination and the hoarding of vaccines puts us all in danger ”, And regretted that the“ triumph of vaccines, developed and marketed in record time ”, has been overshadowed by the“ tragedy of unequal distribution ”.

Read more:

WHO appoints committee of 26 experts to investigate the origin of COVID – 19

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