Sunday, September 22

VIDEO: Serial rapist falls who also robbed his victims, most of them young women

Lenin presunto violador serial en estado fronterizo.
Lenin alleged serial rapist in border state.

Photo: NL Prosecutor’s Office / Courtesy

A man who would be involved in 7 robberies with violence and sexual abuse of his victims, most of them just a few girls , in the municipality of Juárez, in the border state of Nuevo León, he was arrested when an arrest warrant was issued against him for at least 2 events.

According to information from the Attorney General’s Office, in the early hours of the morning the suspect approached women who were walking through sectors where there were vacant lots.

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There he threatened them with a sharp weapon, tied them on the ground, took away their phone and insulted them.

Lenin, from 36 years, he was detained outside the facilities of the Gonzalitos Ministerial Police, where he was notified of the arrest warrant of a Control Judge for the crime of Robbery with Violence and Rape.

Then they transferred him to a State Prison.

The alleged criminal is accused of the theft and abuse of a woman of 20 years committed on 30 in the Héctor Caballero neighborhood, in Juárez.

Also from another similar event, the 25 August, in Colonia Vistas del Río, where he raped a woman from 22 years.

A source from the State Investigations Agency assured that their participation in 5 other cases committed in the same municipality, since during August and September, in the Colonias Los Cántaros, Los Reyes, Residencial Punta Esmeralda, Valle del Seminario and Los Agave s.

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