Friday, September 20

At the cry of “freedom” the migrant caravan broke the military siege and headed to Mexico City

Miles de migrantes salieron de Tapachula con rumbo a Ciudad de México el 23 de octubre de 2021.
Thousands of migrants left Tapachula for Mexico City on 23 October 2021.

Photo: Juan Manuel Blanco / EFE

Carrying a large cover with the writing: “migrants peace and justice” and also a wooden cross, a caravan led by 6, 000 foreigners, including Haiti, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, left this Saturday from the city of Tapachula, in the state of Chiapas, with a new destination prior to their arrival at the border between Mexico and the United States: they go to Mexico City first.

The migrants broke a fence from the National Guard and the National Migration Institute (INM) to reach the Mexican capital, with the intention of regularizing their immigration status.

Protestants shouted at that there was no work or food in Tapachula, so they wanted to establish their situation in the Mexican capital. Among them were also people from Venezuela, Cuba, Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Peru, China and some countries in Africa.


Uniformed National Guard and INM implemented an operation after the caravan of migrants that broke out. According to Chiapas Digital, 200 officials were deployed in the area.

The INM reported that they offered medical assistance to a minor, of Guatemalan nationality , with a skull wound.

They also stated that they guided a group of foreigners to return “voluntarily” to Chiapas, because they were traveling with children and people from the third age.


Andrés Manuel López Obrador , the president of Mexico, affirmed in a press conference that “the conservatives and fifís who criticize social support in Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas do not understand that they require more resources than other states.”

These statements were made during a meeting with authorities from La Montaña de Guerrero, in Tlapa de Comonfort, in which he pointed out that the budgets for social programs “cannot go down.”

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