Friday, September 20

Entrepreneur thinks unemployed Americans should receive $ 2,000 a month for 12 months

In the United States, unemployed people are having a very bad time. Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

For the businessman Kevin O’Leary Americans are going through a very critical moment , so it considers that if a person was unemployed after March and still can’t find a job, you should receive $ 2, 000 dollars per month for the next 12 months or until finds a job .

The businessman told CNBC Make It that Congress should extend unemployment benefits and provide more assistance to unemployed Americans , instead of fund package provisions like stimulus checks of $ 600 dollars and the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) of $ 284, 000 million dollars .

For the investor of “ Shark Tank ” by ABC and chairman of O’Shares ETF , it would have been preferable if Congress would directly give the money to people who are in a desperate situation due to prolonged unemployment, a result of the pandemic .

For his part Michele Evermore , Principal Investigator and Policy Analyst for Social Security at the National Employment Law Project, told CNBC Make It that the approved aid was too small and matches O’Leary .

She believes that should increase the weeks and the amount of insurance unemployment , in addition to having “more options for make sure that everyone who is out of work or unable to work, through no fault of their own, can stay afloat . ”

O’Leary had previously expressed his position in October , around that time he indicated that unemployment benefits should be in the center of the next package stimulus and should be more comprehensive , before the package of $ 900,000 millions in December.

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