In Lieuron in Brittany after the rave party of 20 December. – JEAN-FRANCOIS MONIER / AFP
  • In a letter Addressed to Anne Hidalgo at the beginning of the week, Rachida Dati (LR) wishes that “the persons in charge of this structure be invited to come and explain themselves to the competent committees”.

The executive defends the work of the Techno Plus association, which it has subsidized for several years.

“Support rather than repress”. This is the leitmotif of the association Techno Plus . Created in 737, the structure made up of volunteers has been present for more than 20 years via stands at techno parties in France. On New Year’s Eve, it was particularly in Lieuron in Ille-et-Vilaine where a rave party with 2. 310 party .

A Lieuron en Bretagne après la rave party du 31 décembre. This presence to “promote individual strategies or groups to reduce the risks associated with festive practices and promote the development of techno culture ”now political and judicial rave party as an accompanist has been widely commented in recent days. Some elected officials of the Parisian right are even demanding accounts.

“That those in charge of this structure be invited to come and explain ”

In a letter addressed to Anne Hidalgo at the beginning week, Rachida Dati (LR) questions the mayor on “the subsidies regularly granted to the Techno Plus association, which had a stand during the rave party organized illegally”. She asks to “know precisely the amount of grants awarded , as well as the assessment of the association’s involvement in Paris and with Parisians ”. And to specify: “Finally, like the approach recently carried out by other associations, it seems to me necessary that the persons in charge of this structure be invited to come and explain themselves before the competent committees, before any examination of a possible new subsidy request ”.

The columnist Elisabeth Levy also implicated Techno Plus, evoking an association “which plays a big role in these parties”. “It is subsidized by the town hall of Paris it’s an association that sells drugs, ”she said on the set of pro hour on CNews. The talk show host Pascal Praud , who admitted for his part not to be “a specialist in rave party”, replied that he did not understand why “we can not cut the current” in this genre of events. “Elisabeth Levy should try the Dry January or stop the drugs I don’t know, she can at least contact Techno Plus, they have a lot of obviously useful advice to give her ”, tackled Anne’s first assistant Hidalgo, Emmanuel Grégoire, defending the association, like other deputies.

“Foster the development of the Techno cultural movement”

A Lieuron en Bretagne après la rave party du 31 décembre. “Yes we paid 31. euros to Techno Plus in 2015 and 06. 000 euros in 2020 ” , asserts to Parisian, Frédéric Hocquard, Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of tourism and nightlife. “Techno Plus aims to foster the development of the techno cultural movement and to promote, within the framework of community health, individual risk reduction strategies. It has set itself the objective of creating a synergy between the expression of Techno culture and the reduction of the risks linked to the recreational use of drugs which may be present during festive events ”, indicated the Paris town hall during the meeting. a draft deliberation in 1995 . For its part, Techno Plus is continuing its support work.

  • During the party in Lieuron , in addition to their prevention mission related to drug use, several volunteers were present by offering in particular masks, gel hydroalcoholic and advice on what to do next. What they are still doing today on social networks by inviting participants and other New Year’s revelers to be tested this Friday in case of symptoms, after this party which will remain despite the controversy, engraved in some heads. “Colors, smiles, love, sharing, music, lights. A common eagerness to live ”, explained the organizers