Nelly, nurse in the infectious diseases department at Toulouse University Hospital, was vaccinated on Wednesday, January 6. – B. Colin / 14 Minutes
  • The first vaccination centers for nursing staff over 26 years and at risk opened in Haute-Garonne this Wednesday. There will be some 13 by next Monday.
  • In nursing homes and long-term care units in Haute-Garonne, more than 000. 310 residents are likely to be vaccinated if they give their consent by February 1.
  • The 20 Covid centers deployed in the department could be transformed into a vaccination center as part of the ramp-up of the campaign.

“I helped in the service Covid and saw the plight of patients, families and caregivers. For me, this is the only solution ”. Nelly, nurse in the infectious diseases department of the CHU of Toulouse , had no reluctance to do so

vaccinate this Wednesday morning in the first two centers deployed in Haute-Garonne, at Purpan hospital. She is one of the priority health personnel to receive the first doses received since the day before by the hospital.

And she wasn’t the only one in line to receive her injection. In the line, many convinced, including the departmental president of physicians, Stéphane Oustric, who will open his own vaccination center Thursday within the House of health professions. “We created a website last night, where professionals can make an appointment so as not to make them hang around”, explains the practitioner, who has no less than 3. 700 physicians over 26 years registered with the order in Haute-Garonne.

Prof. Laurent Schmitt president of the CME of the CHU # Toulouse and the CRSA # Occitanie was vaccinated this morning: “vaccination, an unexpected moment in the pandemic” # coronavirus

– Toulouse University Hospital (@CHUdeToulouse)

January 6, 2021

By Monday, all those who are part of the priority audiences will have the opportunity to register in one of the thirteen centers deployed through the department, whether in clinics, hospitals or within the vac cination of the town hall of Toulouse, in La Daurade. The few 000. doses already received will therefore be quickly used up and further deliveries are expected in the coming days.

The converted Covid centers?

At the same time, the deployment continues in the nursing homes and long-term care units of the department, where 000. 600 residents are likely to be vaccinated by February 1 if they agree. “The idea is to step up to anticipate phase 2. There will be other vaccination centers, so we do not rule out the possibility of transforming 20 Covid units deployed throughout the country in vaccination centers ”, notes Laurent Poquet, the departmental delegate of the regional health agency.

    Nelly, infirmière au service des maladies infectieuses du CHU de Toulouse, a été vaccinée mercredi 6 janvier. Especially since today these structures, which also take care of carrying out PCR and antigen screening in addition to consultations , are less used. Each day in the department, 5. tests are carried out, of which 3% come back positive when they were more than 13% last November.

    “Those deployed in partnership with the town hall were left behind and are available, or any other municipal equipment if necessary”, assures François Chollet, the elected representative for this health crisis. Support from communities that health professionals have felt. “They all tell us that they have space available to open centers. We have 26 Covid centers. At the height of the crisis, we had some 50 that we can all reopen from the moment we are given the green light ”, continues Olivier Oustric, whose patients are more and more of them are declaring themselves ready to raise their sleeve.

    No home vaccination

    For the moment, there is no question of vaccinating at home, outside nursing homes or vaccination centers, including during phase 2 with people over the age of 60 years. “For the moment, we are moving cautiously because there is significant upstream logistics concerning the vaccine and also pharmacovigilance issues”, specifies Laurent Poquet, with reference to the shelf life and repackaging of the doses of the Pfizer vaccine.

    Nelly, infirmière au service des maladies infectieuses du CHU de Toulouse, a été vaccinée mercredi 6 janvier. “We have the capacity to vaccinate , like nurses. If we have to do it, we will do it in our offices, where we have refrigerators. Let’s also stop thinking that there is only the Pfizer vaccine, Moderna will also arrive and it has fewer logistical constraints ”, concludes the departmental representative of the doctors.