Saturday, September 28

VIDEO: A meteorite fell on the bed of a lady in British Columbia while she slept

La señora despertó alarmada y con restos de escombros en su cuerpo y cama en el momento del impacto.
The lady woke up alarmed and with remains of debris on her body and bed at the moment of impact.

Photo: STAN HONDA / Getty Images

A woman from 66 años woke up on Sunday night, October 3, after a space rock fell from the other side of his bed. At first, he believed that it was an intruder who had entered his home, since the noise was such that he thought it had been a shot.

Ruth Hamilton and her dog woke up excited that night , then the septuagenarian called 911 to report that someone had entered your home. Shortly after calling local authorities, he discovered a rock in his bed and a hole in the roof of his house in Golden, British Columbia, Canada.

I turned around and there was a stone under the pillow ,” Hamilton told Global BC .

The rock is slightly larger than a baseball and landed a few inches of his head . Hamilton stated that she suffered no harm and that only woke up with some debris on top of her that night .

Throughout history, there are several stories of people killed by a meteorite impact. It is highly unlikely, but it is even less likely that a space rock will land on someone’s bed while they sleep at night.

According to , there is only one official record of a person killed by the impact of a space rock dropped from the sky. This occurred in 1888 in Iraq .

The odds of being struck by lightning, for example, is 1 in 15, 300 approximately. On the other hand, numbers indicate that the probability of a meteor landing on the side of the bed while someone is sleeping is 1 in 100, 000 million , Peter Brown told CBC English.

Moments before falling into Hamilton’s bed, the meteor was seen soaring through the skies in other locations in British Columbia and Alberta. Even, according to AccuWeather , various astronomers determined that the meteorite came from of the asteroid belt that exists between Mars and Jupiter .

Since the rock fell on Hamilton’s property, it is legally his and he stated that he will keep it as a souvenir once scientists examine it in depth .

“Every time I go to the room, I say, ‘ Oh my gosh, that could have hit me ‘” , concluded Hamilton to Global BC.

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