Sunday, September 29

Aracely Arámbula is enraged by reporters who tried to capture her son in Los Angeles: “Close him!”

This weekend Aracely Arámbula starred in a tremendous scandal for preventing her children from being captured by the cameras without your permission.

Aracely Arámbula is in Los Angeles, California, in the middle of a tour with the play “Why men love bitches”; However, the success was clouded after a cloud of reporters tried to capture one of the children she fathered with Luis Miguel, to which the actress reacted furiously to prevent this from happening at all costs.

It was on the Instagram profile of the Univisión program ‘Despierta América’, where they showed the exact moment in which the protagonist of ‘La Doña’ prevents the cameras from targeting the minor.

Aracely Arámbula flees from the press in Los Angeles and prevents capture images of your child ”, you read at the bottom of the publication that has given much to talk about.

And, in the short recording, You can see the actress sitting in the back seats of a white van, in which she was accompanied by her two sons, Daniel and Miguel, but there was a moment when, apparently, the reporters opened the car door to try to catch the moment, to which she reacted visibly annoyed ex ignoring absolute respect.

Close it, close it! They can’t do that ! ”, He shouted, while the minor covers his face and asks him not to turn around. Shortly after they left the place at full speed.

As expected, this reaction divided opinions, because while some users of the same social network agreed with her and supported her position as a protective mother, some more discredited her reaction, arguing that She is a public figure.

A mother will do whatever she has to do so that her children are well “, “ I applaud her, protect her son. How dare you open the door? “,” How ridiculous or Shakira does that, and she doesn’t go with so much clowning “,” How bloody or what were they “,” The superstar … not even the Kardashians do that with their children “,” Ridiculous “, were just some messages that are read about the publication.

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