Sunday, September 29

Orionid rain 2021: when is its peak and where can they be seen from

La lluvia de las oriónidas en octubre es uno de los acontecimientos astrona
The Orionid rain in October is one of the astrona events

Photo: Menahem KAHANA / Getty Images

The northern and southern hemispheres will witness the peak of the Orionids on 21 October. These meteorites are known to be extremely bright to the naked eye and could fall as low as 14 space rocks per hour at its peak, according to the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics of Mexico (INAOE).

The Orionid shower is one of the most important astronomical events of the year . According to NASA, these meteors are quite fast as they can reach speeds of up to 238 thousand kilometers per hour and degrading at that speed in the Earth’s atmosphere could leave behind the phenomenon known as “light trains”, which makes the fall of these space rocks visible from the planet’s surface.

We open # thread of “Orionid Meteor Shower”, the second astronomical phenomenon of October that you cannot miss, the Orionid Meteor Shower, you can Observe from October 2 to November 7. 💫✨

– Natural History MX (@MHNCA_CDMX) October 10, 2021

If the meteors are of considerable size, the light trains may turn into fireballs falling from the sky .

Although the Orionids invade the night sky every year from October 2 to November 7, this 1986 the time with the highest activity will occur on the night of 21 October in both hemispheres.

The Orionids owe their name to the fact that it seems that the rain comes from the constellation Orion. However, it is only a point of reference in the sky since in reality meteors are debris from comets that pass through the solar system or pieces of asteroids.

The coordinates of the constellation Orion are: AR = 06 h 20 m, DEC = + 16 º 00 ´ .

In the case of the Orionids, they are fragments of comet 1P / Halley as it passes through the Solar System. When these pieces of space rock come into contact with the Earth, it is when you can observe the orionids in October or the aquarids in the month of May.

The famous Halley’s Comet takes 76 years to walk around the sun . It was discovered in 1705 by Edmond Halley, who predicted that in that period From time to time that giant space rock can be seen breaking through the night sky. The last time it was seen on Earth was at 1986 and is expected to appear again in the 2021 .

After the Orionids, the Northern Taurids, the Southern Taurids and the Leonids will light up the sky in November.

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