Saturday, September 28

They organize a collection to help Laura Bozzo… But nobody cooperated!

In order to help Laura Bozzo in the financial problems she is going through, Carlos Bonavides organized a fundraising event; However, everything was left alone in a good intention, because nobody came to offer their support to the Peruvian.

The actor who became famous thanks to his role as Huicho Domínguez in the telenovela ‘El Premio Mayor’, demonstrated his friendship with the driver, and decided to start a collection to help her with her tax debts after a judge ordered her immediate arrest for having committed the crime of tax evasion, for which she has been a fugitive from Mexican justice since last August.

“No, nobody peeled me from the harvest. I didn’t have any answer. ”

Also, he took advantage of the cameras of the ‘Sale el Sol’ program to clarify that, Although he wanted to help her, he is completely unaware of Bozzo’s whereabouts.

I have not seen Mrs. Laura at all, I have not had communication with her, I do not know exactly what her destination is or her whereabouts “, said the actor before the cameras of Imagen Televisión.

And although his “vaquita” was not successful, Bonavides expressed the deep respect and admiration he feels for the so-called “Miss Laura”, with whom he worked for several months on the program ‘Today’ partnering in a dance reality show.

What I’ve always wished for is good luck , what fix her problem because she is a partner and I did very well with her. She is a lady that I respect, admire and the problems I have I ask God to solve them soon “, highlighted the famous.

Last September, the lawyer of Laura Bozzo faced the scandal to explain that one of the reasons that led her client to escape from the authorities was to protect herself from the serious health problems she suffers in the lungs: “she has been diagnosed with a problem of emphysema severe pulmonary , the same that the judge was taught ”, said disease joins a severe problem of diagnosed clinical depression that would sentence her to death in an anticipated sentence if she were to step on jail.

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