Monday, September 30

The most skillful signs of the Zodiac to be unfaithful “successfully”

Hay signos que saben callar sus engaños.
There are signs that know how to silence their deceptions.

Photo: Kristina Flour / Unsplash

Discovering an infidelity is not easy, especially when the person who cheats is skilled at getting away with it. Astrology is a tool that can help you discover which are the signs most likely to be unfaithful and, in addition, they do it successfully .

Although all the signs of the Zodiac tell lies and can fall into the nets of a forbidden love , some are more cunning than others to commit deception. According to sites specialized in astrology, these are the most skillful signs to be “successfully” unfaithful .


It is an emotional and sensitive sign that loves with the soul . However, they have a wild instinct for adventure, mainly when they don’t get the tenderness and affection they want from their partner.

One of her weak points is sex. If they feel a connection with a person, it is difficult for them to resist, in addition, Cancer is a sign that knows how to lie and it is not easy for it to be discovered. Most likely it is he himself who confesses the deception since he will not be able to with the remorse.


Libra people love to be flirtatious, so it’s not uncommon for them to get carried away with the moment. Being an air sign, you take things lightly and cheating isn’t something that takes up a lot of space in your thinking. He is adept at dispelling his partner’s suspicions and uses his charm to make other people lie for him.


It is a sign whose sexual instincts are always on the alert. When he is in love, he gives all that passion and energy to his partner, but when he decides to betray it is difficult for him to be discovered.

Scorpios are mysterious and very good at hiding secrets, especially their own. Although they are very emotional, they know how to hide their feelings well.


Pisces people are fantasy and dreamy. They go through life looking for the ideal love so they do not think twice when they are presented with the opportunity to taste the honeys of temptation.

When they betray it is not easy for them to be discovered because they do not give rise to suspicion, but it is most likely that they will end that relationship and go into the arms of a new love.

It may interest you: What signs are the biggest heartthrob of the Zodiac and what to do to overcome them