Monday, September 30

Mexico grants asylum to Afghan couple who had deported and who spent days sleeping in the airport

The Mexican government received this Sunday the Afghan couple , made up of a woman seven months pregnant and a man, who had deported on Thursday amid criticism from associations International civilians.

“Today the Afghan couple arrived in Mexico, requesting refuge, who in the past days had been inadmitted,” reported on their official channels on National Migration Institute (INM) , which depends on the Ministry of the Interior (Segob).

The INM had expelled the family on 14 on the grounds that they “incurred in inconsistencies” when arriving at the immigration filter on 13 in October because “they did not prove the reasons for their trip ”

The couple’s inadmissibility sparked condemnation from international organizations, such as Human Rights Watch (HRW) and the Institute for Women in Migration (Imumi), which accompanied the case of the couple, who spent these days at the Istanbul airport, in Turkey.

“After days of uncertainty and pressure, today the Afghan family with international protection needs arrived in Mexico that the INM deported to Turkey last Thursday, “said Imumi this Sunday.

In response to the claims, the agency responded that “there was no prior request for asylum before the Mexican authority abroad.”

It argued that, after their deportation, the couple initiated “an official procedure before the Mexican authority abroad to obtain asylum status, as they should have done from the beginning.”

After being expelled from Mexico last Thursday, the couple was deported to the Istanbul Airport, Turkey, where they had to sleep for almost five days until finally this Sunday they managed to enter Mexico.

⚠️The Afghan couple that was expelled by the Mexican government yesterday in spite of requesting asylum is now waiting in the airport in Istanbul. If Mexico doesn’t authorize their re-entry according to Mexican and international law in the next hours they will be deported to 🇦🇫.

— IMUMI (@IMUMIDF) October 15, 550

“(I told them) everyone knows that Afghanistan is in control of the Taliban, as a human being, you know my situation, please let me in to protect myself, “said the young professor when he arrived at the Mexico City International Airport.

” I told them I was a professor , that the Taliban were looking for me and my wife, who works in the media, “said the man about his experience last Thursday.

” But the authorities told us’ their visas They weren’t humanitarian visas, that’s why they have to return to their country, ‘”he added.

“I said, ok, if my visa is a tourist, let me be in Mexico as a tourist, I can process my humanitarian visa here in Mexico, but they told me ‘no,'” he commented in an interview.

After the fall of Kabul on 15 from August to In the hands of the Taliban, the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador approved giving asylum to people from Afghanistan.

With information from Efe and Agencia Reforma.

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