Monday, September 23

The key to successfully closing 2021, according to your zodiac sign

Los astros enseñan el camino de éxito de cara al 2022.
The stars show the way of success facing the 2022.

Photo: Pablo Heimplatz / Unsplash

In the absence of not many days to finish the year, the stars can still offer the signs of the Zodiac some keys to successfully close the 2021 and start with the right foot on 2022 .

The planetary movements that stand out in the last quarter are the lunar eclipse of 19 November and the solar eclipse on December 4 . Astrologers speak of an “intense” but positive end of the year due to the transit of Jupiter through Aquarius and its entry into Pisces on 28 December.

How the Zodiac signs the 2021


Astrology Answers astrologers report that the closure of the 2021 for Aries it will be a “social bonanza”. They will take care of connecting with their loved ones, in addition, the validity of their beliefs will be questioned and there will be an energy that will favor them in money matters.


The eclipse season heralds that it will be a time to reflect and release all that has not served you in the year. After doing so, he will receive a new perspective on himself and will transform to enter the 2022 as a renewed person.


You will be able to tie up some loose ends in your relationships and other issues that you started this year. The planetary movements of the closing of the 2021 are favorable to perform a spiritual cleansing where eliminate your vision of yourself. You will notice that it is old and expires.


Astrologers predict that before the end of the year you could receive large amounts of cash. It will be time to transform your values, however, things that you have been hiding could come to light.


This sign will expect a strong shake in their relationships and love. There will be a profound transformation on that issue. Some routines will have to be revised, however, the positive is that he will take a vacation.


Matters of the heart will take on importance in December like never before in the year. The ghost of an ex could be present, but he will overcome any discomfort that he causes thanks to the luck that the transit of Jupiter brings him.


The last days of the year will be full of romance. The stars predict that the end of 2021 will be brilliant, ideal for dating and strengthen your emotional ties with your partner or loved ones.


The lunar eclipse will bring tension to Scorpio, so it will be a time to reflect and let go of negative thoughts. Astrologers predict that, starting in November, unexpected things will come that will mean new beginnings.


The drama will be the protagonist in this sign mainly at home. To dissipate it, the stars invite you to take in the warmth of home, live together and offer the best version of yourself with your loved ones. A vacation would be ideal for Sagittarius.


The key for Capricorn at the end of the year is knowing how to manage their material resources. You might find it difficult to make the typical purchases of the season, however, you always find a way to make the money work.


The stars forced him out of his comfort zone this year. This energy of transformation will reach its highest point in the last days, which, you could feel it in material wealth.


The celestial movements of the end of the year invite you to immerse yourself in your subconscious. Inside there, in your inner world, you will find the keys to success and the path you must follow to have abundance and happiness in it 2022.

It may interest you : Predictions fall 2021: 3 signs of the zodiac will not either, according to astrology