Friday, September 20

What the Republican Stimulus Package Proposal Looks Like

Cómo es la propuesta de paquete de estímulo de los republicanos

Mitt Romney is one of the Republicans spearheading this stimulus package proposal.

Photo: George Frey / Getty Images)

Republican congressmen have opposed the stimulus package proposed by President Joe Biden arguing that only should help those who need it .

Yesterday, 10 senators presented a stimulus package proposal that is diametrically different from what the Democrats expose both in the White House, as in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

In this sense the opponents in Congress propose six points to address the economic emergency that the Covid pandemic has brought with it – 19. This proposal is not as robust as the one proposed by President Biden.

Republican senators, including Mitt Romney, explained that their package proposal Stimulus provides “more targeted assistance” to the Americans in greatest need . The proposed legislation calls for a total of $ 160 for vaccine development and distribution, testing and tracing, treatment and other crucial supplies.

1.-An additional round of economic impact stimulus checks for families most in need of assistance, including their children and dependent adults. The amount that would be distributed was not disclosed.

2.-Extend federal unemployment benefits by improving them, compared to those currently offered.

3.-Fully finance nutritional assistance to help families with difficulties.

4.-Disburse Additional resources to help small businesses and their employees through the Paycheck Protection Program and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program.

5 .-Republicans seek to free up the necessary resources to open schools safely and for childcare.

6.-Provide $ 4, 000 millions of dollars to strengthen health services.

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