Friday, September 20

Trump sets an example for Mexico on electoral processes, but it sounds like an insult

Trump pone de ejemplo a México sobre procesos electorales, pero suena a insulto

President Donald Trump.

Photo: Oliver Contreras / EFE

In his strategy to justify his attacks on the United States electoral process, President Donald Trump now gave Mexico an example, but his comment sounds like an insult.

“Even Mexico uses identification for voters” , wrote the president.

The use of “even” denotes the contempt for the country that the president has attacked since he was campaigning in 2015, but whose attacks it reduced with the Mexican government Andrés Manuel López Obrador , an unexpected ally.

On the other hand, President Trump is right, in Mexico you can only vote with the credential issued by the National Electoral Institute (INE), which also works as official identification.

In addition to this, in that country the winner is by popular vote, not by an Elect College oral.

Even Mexico uses Voter ID

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2021

Mexico has raised doubts about its electoral processes, organized by an independent entity, but whose control is decided by the political parties.

In 1988 the biggest electoral scandal in recent years occurred, when the leftist Cuahtémoc Cárdenas , of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) was advancing to victory, but “the system fell” and when it returned to normal Carlos Salinas de Gortari of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) led the contest and ended up winning.

Since then, the electoral processes oral statements in the country have been questioned, the biggest scandal was in 2006, when López Obrador accused fraud electoral to place as president Felipe Calderón of the National Action Party (PAN).

The problem was that The Electoral Institute, chaired by Luis Carlos Ugalde , had ties with the PAN members and their inquiries about the process were questioned.