Wednesday, September 18

Video Captured Deadly Shooting Where Police Died in Houston; the suspect's gun was tampered with with illegal device

HOUSTON – Less than a month ago two officers of the Houston Police Department were shot by a suspect who ambushed them when they tried to execute an arrest warrant, one of the policemen died and the other had to be hospitalized .

Video of the shooting was released by the Houston Police and the images captured by the body cameras of the officers at the scene show that the suspect not only ambushed them but was also armed with a pistol tampered with with an illegal device.

In the video you can hear the shots from the gun of the suspect, Deon Ledet, who had a “switch”, the illegal device turns a semi-automatic pistol into an automatic one.

The suspect surprised the officers and with the altered weapon at the beginning had an advantage about them. The video shows the way the policemen had to retreat before the firepower that the man they were trying to arrest had in their hands. Ledet was shot dead by officers in the shooting.

The full video of the shooting can be seen in the You Tube “link” that appears in the tweet published by the Houston Police.

In the videos it was seen how the officer’s attacker fired against these with a weapon that fired up to 30 bullets in a span of 2.6 seconds.

Unfortunately, Officer Bill Jeffrey was hit several times and lost his life.

The authorities at a press conference revealed this Tuesday the videos of the body cameras of officers involved in the shooting that occurred last Tuesday 20 of September.

According to the officer’s body camera videos released by the Police Department, the attacker used a high-caliber weapon to attack the officers.

Both the mayor, Sylvester Turner, and the chief of the Houston Police, Troy Finner, showed serious concern about the type of weapons used by the attackers against the officers.

“There must be a joint action of all so that this does not happen again said the boss.

The authorities showed that some “switches” are coming to the city that are turning semi-automatic weapons into fully automatic ones.

These accessories would be arriving smuggled, authorities said.

Therefore they asked the community if they know who or how they are distributing these accessories report it to the authorities.

The authorities said that these swtiches are contraband and that they are looking for the source of them.

Charges for having these accessories are up to 10 years in prison and $ 250, 000 fine.

If you have information you can call 1800 – ATF-leads.