Wednesday, September 18

“I wanted to look for him”: Pepillo Origel surprised to reveal that he could have a child in Montreal

The show host Juan José Origel , better known as “Pepillo”, is famous for giving learn insider information on famous people; However, little is known about his private and family life, so he caused a stir a few days ago when he revealed that could have a biological child , whom he looked for on some occasion without success .

During a recent interview for the program ‘Tu-Night’ that leads Omar Chaparro , Pepillo revealed that to his 22 years he had an affair with a woman, who became pregnant and could have given him a child, but he never knew for sure if he became a father despite trying to find the supposed mother.

It was during a round of questions and answers in which he participated with the actress and host Ximena Córdova, where Omar Chaparro questioned the Mexican journalist if it is true that he has a son, to which he immediately replied that it is a possibility .

“ I don’t know … I never knew! She got pregnant in Montreal, then I wanted to look for him and I couldn’t find her anymore. ”

To the surprise of Ximena Córdoba and Omar Chaparro, Origel explained that at that time he was 22 years old, but to finish with the awkward moment, he finished off with a joke about how old his son might be.

“He had 22 years. Are you going to say right now: So the child already has 60? ”.

So far he has not shared more information and the only thing that is known about the driver is that he has never married and does not have biological children , so the chance that he became a father 52 years ago will remain quite a mystery.

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