Friday, September 20

Vicente Fernández Jr. denies that “El Charro de Huentitán” has been declared brain dead

Since last August 6, when it was announced that Vicente Fernández was admitted to the hospital, there have been a series of rumors about the singer’s true state of health, which is why the family has seen the need to go out to deny some rumors that they assure the singer would be on the verge of death.

As happened last night 11 October, when Vicente Fernández Jr. He used his social networks to clarify once again that what was said by the magazine TVNotas is totally false.

And, according to the publication of this Tuesday, an alleged “friend of the Fernández family” assured them that the Charro de Huentitán would have been declared brain dead, so his doctors would have nothing to do but wait for his heart or other organs to stop working.

“Last Tuesday, October 5, the family received the worst news of all: unfortunately, Don Vicente was declared brain dead.”

After the scandal generated, Alejandro Fernández’s brother shared a message through his official Instagram profile, where he said that what the magazine said is yet another invention.

“Good evening. It is very sad to see how news is invented, totally invented with the profit motive of my father’s public. ”

And he assured that those responsible for the publication will have to deliver accounts of what was presented, since they are only deceiving the public.

“The pseudojournalist who signed and the magazine TVNotas will have to prove the veracity of her report. It sucks that they mislead the public in such a way. And I support it together with my whole family. ”

The truth is that, according to the official communiqué of the past 11 of October authorized by the family and doctors who attend him, the interpreter of “These Jealousy” presents a slow evolution due to the type of illness and sequelae.

And in the midst of speculation they reiterate that Vicente Fernández is stable, awake, conscious and maintains a constant interaction with his family.

“Due to the type of disease and sequelae presented so far , it has maintained a stationary state, with a slow progression for which does not show transcendental changes in their state of health “, explains the medical report.

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