Friday, September 20

He killed his wife after getting out of jail for beating her

– Carolyn Bongiorno (@caroaber) January 6, 2021

Damon Mathews was Arrested for allegedly killing his wife on New Years Eve shortly after being released from jail for beating her, authorities in Colorado said.

The man of 44 year old was arrested on Saturday and charged with the murder of his wife, Rachel Matthews (47), reported The Durango Herald.

The couple had been celebrating New Year’s Eve at their home, in Ignacio, when they began to argue. Mathews then strangled his wife, took her car keys and a gun before shooting her in the head, reported the local press.

Previously had been arrested twice for allegedly beating her. In one of the cases, the 24 November was charged with assault and jailed for sending his wife to the hospital with a wound over her left eye.

The Last time he was released in late December, after posting a $ 1 bond, 500 Dollars. He was now held in the Jefferson County Detention Center, without parole.

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