Illustration. Un lynx réintroduit dans le Jura

Drawing. A lynx reintroduced in the Jura – ARDEA / MARY EVANS / SIPA

This is the third time that a lynx is discovered dead, killed by a gun in the Jura mountains and the Haut-Rhin since this year. Far from being a possible accident of therefore hunt. Also, an investigation is opened and the first national association for the protection and conservation of the wolf bear and lynx in France (

FERUS ) again complains and requests the replacement of the animal.

An open judicial investigation

The departmental service du Doubs of the French Biodiversity Office ( OFB ) was notified on 31 December by Athénas Center of the presence of the dead lynx in the canton of Quingey (Doubs). OFB environmental inspectors quickly went to the site to make the first observations. In a press release, the Dreal indicates that the investigations are continuing within the framework of a judicial inquiry conducted under the authority of the public prosecutor of Besançon to identify the person or persons responsible for this offense.

Illustration. Un lynx réintroduit dans le Jura Remember that the boreal lynx is the only large wild feline present in France where the species is considered threatened. It is also strictly protected, at the international level but also at the national level where the species enjoys the status of protected species. Killing a lynx is an offense punishable by a maximum penalty of three years in prison and 20. 000 euros fine.