Le CSA met en demeure RMC qui a invité le controversé professeur Christian Perronne. Le CSA met en demeure RMC qui a invité le controversé professeur Christian Perronne.

The CSA gives notice to RMC who invited the controversial professor Christian Perronne. – Gutner / SIPA

Le CSA met en demeure RMC qui a invité le controversé professeur Christian Perronne. RMC was pinned by the Superior Audiovisual Council (CSA) for having lacked “rigor”, “balance” and “mastery of its antenna” during a broadcast at the end of August with the professor Christian Perronne , according to a decision published on Wednesday at Official Journal . The media control authority has put the RMC group on formal notice to respect its information processing obligations.

Le CSA met en demeure RMC qui a invité le controversé professeur Christian Perronne. In question, the controversial remarks made by the infectious disease specialist on the Covid pandemic – 19, but also on Lyme disease and malaria, during the “Grand oral” of the program The big mouths of

  • August.
  • ” These statements were not sufficiently contradicted ”

    Le CSA met en demeure RMC qui a invité le controversé professeur Christian Perronne. Professor Perronne, dismissed in December from his duties as head of department by the Assistance publique-hospitals de Paris (AP-HP) and targeted by a complaint from the Order of Physicians, had in particular denied the resumption of the epidemic. However, the data published four days previously by Public Health France confirmed its resumption with an increase in new hospitalizations and admissions in intensive care, explains the CSA. Le CSA met en demeure RMC qui a invité le controversé professeur Christian Perronne. “This guest was the only member of the medical profession present on stage” and “these statements are not have not been the subject of a sufficient contradiction ”, notes the CSA. “Consequently, the publisher cannot be regarded as having demonstrated honesty and rigor in the presentation and processing of information on the pandemic,” said the media gendarme.

    “A fault in controlling the antenna”