Thursday, September 19

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Trump's Plan to Use $ 3.6 Billion for Border Wall

Trump desvió fondos con una orden de emergencia para construir el muro fronterizo.
Trump diverted funds with an emergency order to build the border wall.

Photo: Scott Olson / Getty Images

The Supreme Court ordered a lower court on Monday to reconsider its previous decisions that prevented the use of approximately $ 3, 600 million dollars for the construction of the wall on the border between the United States and Mexico, a financing that was ordered through the diversion of funds assigned to other federal agencies by the former president Donald Trump .

President Joe Biden ordered funding stop for the construction of the border wall that was promoted by its predecessor .

The Biden Administration had argued that the Supreme Court did not need to intervene in the border wall funding case, because that project was closed by new management.

But the ruling of the Supreme Court called for a reevaluation of the case and returned it to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit “with instructions to order the District Court to annul its rulings.”

“The District Court must consider what additional procedures are necessary and appropriate in light of the changing circumstances in this case,” added the Supreme Court .

The Supreme Court did not provide an explanation for its decision beyond mentioning the change in circumstances under which the case has been considered, without explaining what he means by the “change in circumstances.”

The issue at issue in the case is the $ 3.6 billion in funding that the Biden administration has since designated for 66 Projects of different military construction that had been postponed.

How will the plaintiffs against the wall resume this decision

In addition to challenge the government decisions of Joe Biden , the decision of the Supreme Court renews the challenges to the border wall made by the Sierra Club, the United States Union by the Civil Liberties (ACLU) and others who previously won court victories in determining that Trump inappropriately designated military funds for the construction of the wall .

Those groups had questioned that Trump used an emergency declaration to divert funds, something that both a district and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals deemed inappropriate.

And those same groups consider that the Supreme Court’s decision initiates another stage of the battle for those who challenge the construction of the border wall, who argue that Biden should remedy the damage caused by the construction of the same.

That goes from remove the wall, which environmentalists say disrupts wildlife corridors, to addressing its construction damage, which saw builders plowing through federal lands, including demolishing Arizona’s protected saguaro cacti.