Friday, September 20

The fall of WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram lost more than $ 160 million to the global economy

La caída de Facebook, WhatsApp e Instagram afectó en costos en todo el globo terráqueo.
The fall of Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram affected costs throughout the globe.

Photo: LIONEL BONAVENTURE / AFP / Getty Images

The fall experienced by the entire Facebook network yesterday, dragging the WhatsApp messaging platform and the social network Instagram with it, so far is the most serious that has been seen since the existence of it. The impact caused by this outage is estimated at more than $ 1, 000 millions of dollars.

Internet outage tracking platform and its impact, Netblocks, estimates that this has cost the world $ 160 million dollars and caused Facebook shares to drop as much as 1% more, although they had previously been losing value and until yesterday there was talk of a total of almost 5%.

Netblock estimates that the global cost of this simultaneous drop in social media shows a figure in losses of $ 161, 422 millions of dollars.

This calculation is made taking into account the size of the affected countries, the GDP of each one and the duration of the interruption of the service, plus the percentage of users by region.

Another scenario that may not has been taken into account in the global losses of the simultaneous fall of Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram, is that of companies, businesses and brands that invest daily in advertising or in tools for managing them . This fall generated costs and chaos for them.

It should be taken into account that the growth of digital transactions as well as that of business driven Internet have been growing, so in some way they already occupy a large portion of world economic activity.

Only for Facebook, owner of WhatsApp and Instagram, the hours paralyzed this Monday, October 4, called by many “the black Monday of social networks”, give a calculation of losses per hour of $ 3.6 million. This calculated based on the earnings reported in the 2020, with a total of $ 86,000 millions of dollars.

We are talking about 2, 798 million Facebook users, 2, 000 million WhatsApp users and 1, 221 millions of active users on Instagram. According to statistics from the own company managed by Mark Zuckerberg.

So far what could be known about the reasons for this worldwide decline, is that it was due to some configuration changes of the company’s DNS servers.

At the same time, and although it probably has nothing to do with it. , yesterday circulated on Twitter a tag that asked to “delete Facebook” # DeleteFacebook that arose after a former employee of the company revealed that “there were conflicts between the public welfare and the economic welfare of Facebook, the latter” chooses its own interests. “

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