La maison familiale de Delphine Jubillar, l'infirmière disparue, à Cagnac-les-Mines, dans le Tarn.
The family home of Delphine Jubillar, the missing nurse, in Cagnac-les-Mines, in the Tarn. – AFP

The investigation of the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar continues at Cagnac-les-Mines (Tarn) with the summons by the husband’s gendarmes of the nurse who has been missing for three weeks now.

“There is research inside the house , my client was summoned by the gendarmerie but it is not to be auditioned ”within the framework of a police custody, declared to AFP Jean-Baptiste Alary, lawyer of Cédric Jubillar, confirming information of France Bleu Occitanie .

Three weeks of absence

“From the moment the gendarmes are in the house and are investigating, it is logical that the owner is present. If there was a custody, I would have been informed. A priori, we cannot imagine that it is a matter of police custody, ”added the lawyer.

A search had already taken place on 20 December in the couple’s house in the presence of the husband. But “no interesting discovery was made”, then indicated the deputy prosecutor of Toulouse Alix Cabot-Chaumeton. The house was then placed under seal.

The criminal track is privileged in this case after the opening of a judicial investigation for “arrest, kidnapping, detention or sequestration”.

Delphine Jubillar, 33 years old and nurse in an Albigensian clinic, disappeared from her home on the night of 15 at 16 December. It was her husband who sounded the alarm. Since then, neither the intensive searches by the gendarmes, nor the participation of the inhabitants in a citizen beaten, have made it possible to find his trace.